Let's love to hate Jillian Michaels together!

I'm a former Jillian Michaels DVD addict who is trying to get back in shape after a (longer than I care to admit) exercise hiatus. I'm starting Body Revolution for the first time tomorrow and would love some new friends who are either doing this program or something similar. It helps to have someone to sympathize with. ;)

So, who's in?!


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I did Body Revolution and loved it. I use the cardio DVDs for morning cardio now. Have MOST of her DVDs but find Jeannette Jenkins pushes me more now, plus Bob Harper
  • tebe0005
    tebe0005 Posts: 12 Member
    Haha, awesome! I'm in :)
    I just finished day 3 of the30DS. Extremely sore but loving it! Can't wait to finish and move on to her other videos. :)

    (and constant jumping jacks have made me realize I really need to layer up on the sports bras--ow)
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    I bought Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism DVD yesterday and I'm starting it tomorrow. I really liked The 30 Day Shred, but it hurt!! So in other words I'M IN!!
  • fit_pt
    fit_pt Posts: 1
    I just completed day 2 of Jillian 's 30 Day Shred Program. Insane! But I can tell it's changing my body, almost from the inside out and I'm totally looking forward to my results end of this month.
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! I love Jillian too!!! I finished her 30day shred like 2 years ago and 1 year ago I did the Body Revolution which I'm also starting again tonight. Those programs truly changed my body since the beginning.
    I guess I got too comfortable and for an entire year did absolutely nothing!! and is sooo hard to get back up....but I'm up now! I want to drop what I gained over the last year and more...so Jillian here we come!!
  • maryrose112233
    I have 3 of Jillian's videos (30 day shred, yoga meltdown, and 6-week six pack) that I got for cheap off of a groupon ... gotta love Groupon :) -- I think I'm going to try to start one of them tonight. Probably the 30 day shred. I have weights and it'll give me something to let off steam after work!