Need Quick Advice! Is it Rude.....



  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies! I feel much better now.

    I am not one to draw attention so trust me when I say I would never announce I am on a diet or anything in a business meeting. :blushing:
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Hey! I have often been in this situation...friends invite me out for dinner and then criticise my choices (or lack therof) of food. I try to tell them that I'm not just "on a diet" but making a completely different lifestyle choice. I do not think it is rude in any way.

    It's almost like they're trying to get you back on drugs...don't let peer pressure throw off your game. People who get mad about what you put into your own body are just jealous that they don't have the willpower/determination that you do to make such a change.

    It's weird how your friends can start to turn on you in situations like these. Anyway, in my experience, order what you want and don't feel obligated to explain yourself. You eat what makes your body feel good and your body will take care of you. :)

    Yes! I totally feel you here! So much pressure sometimes!
    Thank you for your reply!
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    As a past hotelier, it sounds like the hotel is hosting you for lunch, correct? All they want is for you to be happy. I would order a beverage and a salad with dressing on the side, or just an app. If anyone comments, I would just tell them everything on the menu looks amazing but this is what you're in the mood for. They won't me.
  • Polishprincess83
    Polishprincess83 Posts: 59 Member
    It's not rude at all. If you feel that it would be then order a side salad. Be honest and tell them that you are sticking to your diet in order to obtain you goal. They should be understandable. Rude to me would be them not understanding what you want to do with your meal. I go out with people all the time and I get one glass of wine with a salad. They try and tempt me with yummy food and more alcoholic drinks but, I stay firm.:drinker:
  • RibStabsHeart
    RibStabsHeart Posts: 71 Member
    Honestly, being Vegetarian means that you have to eat sides a lot more often than you rightfully should. You've already got an excuse in your back pocket should you need it!

    I personally don't think there's anything wrong with eating just a side or an appetizer -- more often than not, an appetizer is practically a full sized meal (or 3/4 a meal, unless you're at a fancy place), so no harm no foul. If there's a healthy option on the menu, or a full-sized salad that you can make work into your daily goals, then go for it! Otherwise, get what sounds good to you. You can always say that you had a big breakfast or have a salad back at work if you need to.
  • tlicttbh
    tlicttbh Posts: 89
    I don't think it's rude. I've done that before. I don't draw attention to it. If people ask, I just say I have some food allergies and am working hard to get them under control or something like that.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Scan the menu and say, "I think I'll have the (market priced) lobster...oh, wait...on second thought, that salad sounds pretty good--yes, I'll have the salad." They will be pleased.
  • KrzyGal
    KrzyGal Posts: 139 Member
    This is a regular thing for me but I order light so I'm not just sitting there while they are eating; I found a few to be uncomfortable with that for some reason. Get a side salad and enjoy! :)
  • WonkaCat
    WonkaCat Posts: 42
    I usually will get a light lunch of salad or something and not explain it unless I am asked. Then, a simple explanation of heavy lunches make me want a mid-day nap usually suffice. People usually understand that and in my case, it's completely true. Unless you want to offer me up paid nap time and a comfy cot, I have to eat relatively light at noon.
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you again everyone for your advice!!! I love how supportive everyone is on this site!

    Anyway, just in case anyone was wondering- we went to a "Mexican" chain restaurant that had verrryyy limited options for what I was looking for (low- calorie, low- sodium, low carb)- they didnt even have a side salad! So I got a mini (kid size) veggie burrito and only ate half of it. :)
    thanks again everyone!