New just had the sleeve procedure

I just had the sleeve procedure on March 18, 2014. So far I've lost 57 pounds. I've started walking but I feel like I'm pulling dead weight. Lol The new diet has been a challenge I'm from St. Louis and excited to be on the road to Heath.


  • Hi my name is Kristen,
    Thats wonderful!!! Keep up the hard work!! My surgery is in 3 days!! && I am super excited! How long did it take you to get back on your feet?!
  • Good for you! If it's any help my dad had a mini gastric bypass nine months ago and he's lost a total of 120 pounds. He said at first he was only able to do a little on the treadmill, but now he's out hiking every weekend and starting to run again. IT GETS EASIER! Hang in there!
  • Lorijp
    Lorijp Posts: 47 Member
    I just had the sleeve procedure on March 18, 2014. So far I've lost 57 pounds. I've started walking but I feel like I'm pulling dead weight. Lol The new diet has been a challenge I'm from St. Louis and excited to be on the road to Heath.

    Hi and good luck! I was sleeved in July 2012 and have lost about 130 lbs. I realized everyone is different on what they feel is good for them on this life changing journey. This is what helped me and you can take what feeds you and toss the rest :)

    Right after surgery: I only ate about 1/2 cup of food if that for one meal. I did this for 4-6 weeks or so. Give or take a little. I ate sugar free Popsicles nightly for months and months. That helped me conqueror my sugar addiction. Also drinking hot tea helped. I did not make low carb sweets, because I wanted to kick the habit of having to have sweets after I eat. There are lots of low carb sweets but I wanted to get out of that habit.

    Work: I packed my lunch daily and I have a drawer full of healthy snacks at work. Quest protein bars are my favorite! Peanuts, almonds, diff types of jerky, cheese

    The things I paid attention to were: Calories, carbs, protein and sugar intake. I did not pay too much attention to fat intake but everyone is different. Lean meats are much better and healthier for you.

    For a few months after surgery I did my best to do 30 carbs or less and 60+ protein a day. At first, it's hard to get that much protein unless you're doing protein drinks or at least it was for me. There was no way I could eat that much.

    RIGHT AFTER SURGERY: I did about 300-600 calories a day 2-4 months (IF THAT) then gradually went to 800 or close to that and I stayed close to 600-800 calories for probably 6 months or so then I gradually added calories until I was at 1000 calories where I stayed until a year or so out then I went to 1200 calories and stayed at that or below and on occasion went above.

    DON'T FREAK OUT if you go above the calorie intake. Everyone is diff and every day is different. There are some days I eat more and other days I can't eat much.

    At about 3-4 months: I went to 30-60 carbs & 80+ protein. I didn't always meet that so I tried to do 20-30+ more protein then carbs daily.
    The key for me to NOT stalling was to fluctuate my intake: carbs, protein and calories.
    After a few months of eating (30 or below carbs) I wld suggest fluctuating things one or two days a week and not the same days every week. For example: one day I would eat close to the same in carbs and protein or I would eat more carbs then protein (just by 10-15, not like huge amounts) or eat 50-100 calories higher or lower than normal that way your body doesn't regulate your eating and you level off or you stall. This works for me any way. I always fluctuate so my ranges in carbs and protein change all the time but above was a guideline for me to go by.
  • Hi There!
    I had the sleeve done on the 20th of May, and am down 55 lbs as of today.
    It has been a challenge, and I had to go on to a PPI med for horrible heartburn.
    I am getting my protein each and every day, and riding my bike as well as swimming
    and resistance exercise.
    For about the first 6 weeks I had no energy at all. Jsut getting up each day was a workout enough for me.
    But magically around the 6-7th week my energy levels started to come back and I pushed myself a bit further
    each day.
    Welcome to a whole new life!!
  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    I was sleeved on 4/22 and am down 52 lbs. Did you know that there's a Board just for "us"? Check it out.

    Every day something seems to get easier. I know that I've got a lot more energy too. It took until 40 lbs or so before I felt that.

    I'm also on a PPI med for heartburn and will be for the rest of my life. Exercise is key for me too - I try to do 30 min twice a day for at least 45 days a week; once with weights or resistance and once for cardio (walking, biking, etc.)

    It's a whole new world out there!