Halloween challenge anyone?

Hey guys,

I did a 20 lbs by June 30th challenge starting around last March, and I found the structure, weekly weigh ins, and sense of community super helpful. I'm wondering if anyone is doing another one that my friend Amaka and I may join for motivation and support? Right now would be a good time to begin something for next Halloween :D


  • wgaue
    wgaue Posts: 222 Member
    Sounds like a plan.
  • becomingittybittyme
    becomingittybittyme Posts: 23 Member
    I'm interested! I've never done one of these but I'd love to lose some weight in time to get a nice sexy Halloween costume :D lol
  • I've always wanted to pull off Poison Ivy, good motivation!
  • coquinat
    coquinat Posts: 49 Member
    I'm going to see how many responses we get, I'm glad that Halloween is a great motivation for some of us, and I am interested in the Christmas challenge as well!
  • I would like to join.
    Andrea in Pennsylvania
  • This is a great Idea! How would it work? Congratulations on the 20 coquinat!
  • coquinat
    coquinat Posts: 49 Member
    I want to follow a similar model as the other challenge I did. We will create a group in which people can weigh in: in the beginning with their starting weight and then on a weekly basis. I think since Halloween is about 12 weeks away, that 15 lbs by Halloween is achievable and realistic, and if people get beyond that, it will be even better!! My costume this year is going to be Catwoman! Most of my life I've always been a cat on halloween, but this year I want to do the whole thing... boots, slick black outfit and mask.. maybe even a whip :D
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    There's a geek convention here the weekend before Halloween, and I'm dying to go in the slave!Leia bikini. I'd love to join a challenge group to help motivate me to keep at the fitness so I can look my best in it! It'd be fun to see everyone's costumes at the end of it too. :)
  • I would love to join!
  • michele89
    michele89 Posts: 26 Member
    I really want in on this! I love dressing up for Halloween, but always feel self-conscious. This seems like a great way to stay motivated!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    Count me in! Although I was pleasantly surprised to find I fit in it already when it arrived (see profile pic - the med shirt and small skirt are new) I don't want to lose momentum as I have 15-20 lbs left to go.
  • KrisisOD
    KrisisOD Posts: 43 Member
    I'd love to join this. No idea what I'm going to be, but it's a big motivator!
  • sarahmoore319
    sarahmoore319 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm totally in! I'm trying to decide what to do for Halloween this year, and 15 lbs less of me would be super!
  • imducky20
    imducky20 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm game.... I love Halloween! What do I need to do? :smile:
  • sarah_gabriela
    sarah_gabriela Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in!
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    Oh I'm in. Could use the weightloss before Halloween since we have not only Halloween candy but birthday cake with my youngest being born the day before Halloween.
  • RaeRum82
    RaeRum82 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been thinking the same. Got a huge party and already thinking of what costume would be perfect. One that I look hot in! :D
    Lets do this!
  • squeakybuttcheeks
    squeakybuttcheeks Posts: 54 Member
    My goal is pre baby weight by the time my son is two. His birthday is Oct. 20 so good timing and idea!

    GL everyone :drinker:

  • bluehorn74
    bluehorn74 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in. I'm just starting but it would be a great motivator!