
I'm on my second week of T25. After my first 5 days i checked my measurements and I'm down 4" total. 1" off hips 1" off waist 1.5 off legs and half inch off arms. Is this right? Seems like a lot in 5 days. P.s no weight change :(


  • crazypiglady
    That's probably about right. I've been working out doing a twice a week group class that combines cardio and things similar to Body Pump and I've lost 35" over 10 measurement points since mid-January and the last measurements were taken 6 weeks ago. I've just started T25 and I'm also just really active here at our farm and try to get a least 10,000 steps a day in. I've gained a bunch of muscle and haven't even lost 1 pound in the past 10 weeks. Frustrating as heck but the changes in my body are really big. They keep saying to just put your scale away because it isn't the most accurate reflection of your health and progress. Focus on how your clothes fit and how you feel.

    Great job by the way! Keep up the hard work and it'll be worth it.