Looking for friends to keep me motivated

Hi.My name is Jennifer. I am 35 years old. From North Dakota, educated in Michigan, and living in Missouri. I am an archaeologist at a university here. I have been vegan for about 7 years. I am looking for friends of all kinds, as long as you have a sense of humor. I do not care whether you are vegan or not. I don't like when people attack my food choices, so I will not attack yours.

Although I am generally healthy, exercise regularly, and eat super healthy, I have let the stress of my job and life get to me the last couple of years by snacking a lot and skipping workouts. Looking to get back into prime shape.


  • megmarie81
    megmarie81 Posts: 17 Member
    You can add me. I'm 33. I'm definitely not a vegan and I try to eat between 1200 and 1400 calories a day. I mix it up sometimes. I am pretty good about logging consistently. :smile:
  • vicward1
    vicward1 Posts: 11
    You can add me if you like :) I'm fairly new here xx
  • janey72
    janey72 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, add me if you like. I'm in Ireland and trying to get weight off and be more healthy. I'm not vegan myself, but I'd love to hear some of your food choices to try?
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    Recognising the issues/reasons that have caused us to arrive where we are is one of the first steps to fixing the problem. You can add me too.

    Nature of your job proves you are an analytical person, that too could be detrimental if you sometimes over do it. You are in the right place, there is plnty of motivation here and support.

    Welcome aboard.
  • Welcome! I would be very happy to have you as my fitness buddy.
  • hobnobler
    hobnobler Posts: 20 Member
    Hi and welcome, I am from England so our times logging wont be the same but i try and eat vegan food when i can, but i am a vegetarian and trying to learn about eating healthy and getting all my nutrients while attempting to get fit. I have a great if not slightly weird sense of humour and log everyday :)
  • a9ee9
    a9ee9 Posts: 3
    Hey there I just got back from a long dieting break and just got back on track, I have a feeling we could motivate each other. Request sent. :)
  • Hello!

    You can add me..

    I am 24 and have slowly gained weight for the last couple of years. Now I'm really focusing on trying to eat regular healthy meals and do some sort of exercise every day. Would love to have some support!
