Feeling drained

Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? I do 30 minutes to an hour of cardio in the morning, take care of the kids all day, then do another hour of cardio and weights at night. I haven't taken an official "rest" day for over a week and I'm just drained. I'm staying within my calorie limit (1200), taking my multi-vitamin, and doing everything I'm suppose to. I tried to get on the treadmill this morning, which is usually fun for me, but I couldn't get more than 3 minutes through it. My legs feel like jello and I'm just plain exhausted. I plan on taking a break today, but I feel so guilty! TMI...I'm hoping it is just because I'm having my TOM and it will pass.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this? Should I just rest today and pick back up tomorrow?


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    drink lots water, eat something with protein, and keep up what you are doing. The exercising will help you with the TOM stuff and the protein will give you energy. However, if you feel sluggish for many days in a row, your body may be telling you that 1200 calories isn't enough.

    Good luck
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    You are definitely not the only one. When I find that I can't get through 5 or 10 minutes of my favorite cardio I take a rest day. I still eat reasonable, maybe one cheat meal that day, but sometimes we push ourselves harder than we need to and it is our bodies way of saying ENOUGH!!!
    I am going to try and get in at least 30 minutes of cardio today, but I am feeling like I just need to rest. It is okay to do that every once in a while.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Listen to your body. It clearly needs rest.

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You should be eating some of your exercise calories back in addition to the base of 1200 calories - being drained is your body's way of telling you that you're not giving it enough fuel.

    Also, if you've just recently gotten into exercising regularly, 60-120 min/day may be pushing your body too far too quickly - you might try doing either a morning OR an evening workout, or shortening them so you're only doing two 30-min workouts... and hour a day is more than enough. :flowerforyou:
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    As for me I have to give myself a rest day one day a week if I don't than I am so sluggish that nothing gets done
  • mommy23skllm
    I may try to get in 30 minutes of cardio tonight when I'm hopefully feeling a little better. I'm usually able to just push through and get it done, but today I'm just exhausted (and super cranky). I'm drinking tons of water. I usually have 100-120 oz a day, so that's not hard for me.
    Glad to know I'm not alone though :wink:
  • kermode
    kermode Posts: 18
    This time of year I take 5000IU of vitamin D3 and find that it really helps. I started at 1000IU and worked my way up until I found the amount that worked for me. I find not only do I have more energy but a "cloud" has been lifted from my head. I was always feeling foggy during the winter months.
  • mommy23skllm
    You should be eating some of your exercise calories back in addition to the base of 1200 calories - being drained is your body's way of telling you that you're not giving it enough fuel.

    Also, if you've just recently gotten into exercising regularly, 60-120 min/day may be pushing your body too far too quickly - you might try doing either a morning OR an evening workout, or shortening them so you're only doing two 30-min workouts... and hour a day is more than enough. :flowerforyou:

    I agree I should cut back a bit. I went from being a couch potato to exercising 120 minutes a day, every day. I've been eating most of my exercise calories back, but not all because I'm not sure if MFP is completely accurate.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Lots of people have replied here with lots of great advice. I just want to add that if you feel too guilty to not work out today, or you really want to do *something*, cut yourself a little slack and do an easier treadmill workout. Even a slower walk is still movement and burns calories, yet gives your body a break. At least, this has helped me in the past.

    Good luck. Be gentle with yourself. You're doing great!
  • ap6766
    ap6766 Posts: 1
    I agree with Cass's reply - it sounds like you need to increase your calorie intake. how many cals are you buring with your cardio? You should try to eat most of them - then you will still net out to about 1200.:smile:
  • mommy23skllm
    Are you getting enough sleep?

    Actually, no. I only got 4 hours on Monday and maybe 5-6 last night. I haven't been able to fall asleep quickly at night and my 11 month old likes to get up at 6:30 :grumble:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You should be eating some of your exercise calories back in addition to the base of 1200 calories - being drained is your body's way of telling you that you're not giving it enough fuel.

    Also, if you've just recently gotten into exercising regularly, 60-120 min/day may be pushing your body too far too quickly - you might try doing either a morning OR an evening workout, or shortening them so you're only doing two 30-min workouts... and hour a day is more than enough. :flowerforyou:

    I agree I should cut back a bit. I went from being a couch potato to exercising 120 minutes a day, every day. I've been eating most of my exercise calories back, but not all because I'm not sure if MFP is completely accurate.

    Glad to hear you have been eating them back - when you said you ate 1200 a day, I thought you meant you only ate the basic 1200 and nothing more. (Which many people make the mistake of doing.) You're definitely correct in assuming MFP isn't completely accurate - it's a pretty generic calculation and if you're using MFP estimations I wouldn't eat back more than 50-75%, since in my experience they tend to estimate on the high side.

    Yeah, couch potato to two hours a day is pretty drastic. Give yourself a rest day (or two!) and cut back a bit... don't be afraid to give yourself a rest day once a week. Many people (including myself) do without feeling guilty at all. Sometimes I'll go for a light walk on my rest days, but I don't go to the gym or do a real workout. It's perfectly fine to do cardio every day if you *want* to (you don't really need a rest from cardio like you do from weights) but taking a rest day may help provide a mental "breather".
  • mommy23skllm
    I agree with Cass's reply - it sounds like you need to increase your calorie intake. how many cals are you buring with your cardio? You should try to eat most of them - then you will still net out to about 1200.:smile:

    I only burn 500-600 a day with my cardio. I do C25K every other morning and then a brisk walk on an incline at night. I've been mostly eating them, but sometimes I'm just flat out not hungry. I'm struggling getting in a lot of calories for breakfast. I'm not a breakfast person, so I usually eat a fiber one bar and a piece of fruit.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? I do 30 minutes to an hour of cardio in the morning, take care of the kids all day, then do another hour of cardio and weights at night. I haven't taken an official "rest" day for over a week and I'm just drained. I'm staying within my calorie limit (1200), taking my multi-vitamin, and doing everything I'm suppose to. I tried to get on the treadmill this morning, which is usually fun for me, but I couldn't get more than 3 minutes through it. My legs feel like jello and I'm just plain exhausted. I plan on taking a break today, but I feel so guilty! TMI...I'm hoping it is just because I'm having my TOM and it will pass.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this? Should I just rest today and pick back up tomorrow?

    Taking a break is just as vital to your long term success as anything else you do. The urge to never rest is a secret way we sabotage our efforts. I would advise you take tomorrow off. Your guilt + the rest will leave you feeling like a new woman on Friday--ready to get back at it and go the distance.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I agree with Cass's reply - it sounds like you need to increase your calorie intake. how many cals are you buring with your cardio? You should try to eat most of them - then you will still net out to about 1200.:smile:

    I only burn 500-600 a day with my cardio. I do C25K every other morning and then a brisk walk on an incline at night. I've been mostly eating them, but sometimes I'm just flat out not hungry. I'm struggling getting in a lot of calories for breakfast. I'm not a breakfast person, so I usually eat a fiber one bar and a piece of fruit.

    Eating a solid, healthy breakfast is huge in helping people get through their days with energy. Some people say they don't "need" breakfast - but that's bunk. You can condition your body to not be hungry in the mornings, but in reality a good breakfast does wonders for you. I HIGHLY recommend you incorporate more protein into your breakfast - eggs, greek yogurt, peanut butter... heck, I've even had leftover chicken with my breakfasts! I feel much better with a good bit of protein and fat in my breakfast than when I eat mostly carbs (fruit and cereal or something like that). I never used to be a breakfast person, but you have to slowly up your calories - over time you'll find you have no trouble eating 300-400 calories for breakfast! :smile:

    Also - I saw you said you're not sleeping well.... that's probably a big part of it, too. When you combine lack of sleep with drastic increase in exercise, it's asking for trouble. Hope you're able to start getting in a few more hours of sleep a night regularly.
  • mommy23skllm
    I agree with Cass's reply - it sounds like you need to increase your calorie intake. how many cals are you buring with your cardio? You should try to eat most of them - then you will still net out to about 1200.:smile:

    I only burn 500-600 a day with my cardio. I do C25K every other morning and then a brisk walk on an incline at night. I've been mostly eating them, but sometimes I'm just flat out not hungry. I'm struggling getting in a lot of calories for breakfast. I'm not a breakfast person, so I usually eat a fiber one bar and a piece of fruit.

    Eating a solid, healthy breakfast is huge in helping people get through their days with energy. Some people say they don't "need" breakfast - but that's bunk. You can condition your body to not be hungry in the mornings, but in reality a good breakfast does wonders for you. I HIGHLY recommend you incorporate more protein into your breakfast - eggs, greek yogurt, peanut butter... heck, I've even had leftover chicken with my breakfasts! I feel much better with a good bit of protein and fat in my breakfast than when I eat mostly carbs (fruit and cereal or something like that). I never used to be a breakfast person, but you have to slowly up your calories - over time you'll find you have no trouble eating 300-400 calories for breakfast! :smile:

    Also - I saw you said you're not sleeping well.... that's probably a big part of it, too. When you combine lack of sleep with drastic increase in exercise, it's asking for trouble. Hope you're able to start getting in a few more hours of sleep a night regularly.

    Thank you for all your help. I'll work on the breakfast. :smile:
  • mommy23skllm
    Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? I do 30 minutes to an hour of cardio in the morning, take care of the kids all day, then do another hour of cardio and weights at night. I haven't taken an official "rest" day for over a week and I'm just drained. I'm staying within my calorie limit (1200), taking my multi-vitamin, and doing everything I'm suppose to. I tried to get on the treadmill this morning, which is usually fun for me, but I couldn't get more than 3 minutes through it. My legs feel like jello and I'm just plain exhausted. I plan on taking a break today, but I feel so guilty! TMI...I'm hoping it is just because I'm having my TOM and it will pass.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this? Should I just rest today and pick back up tomorrow?

    Taking a break is just as vital to your long term success as anything else you do. The urge to never rest is a secret way we sabotage our efforts. I would advise you take tomorrow off. Your guilt + the rest will leave you feeling like a new woman on Friday--ready to get back at it and go the distance.

    I know my body needs rest, but it's so hard not to just keep pushing through. I'm going to take a break...but I'm not happy about it. lol
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? I do 30 minutes to an hour of cardio in the morning, take care of the kids all day, then do another hour of cardio and weights at night. I haven't taken an official "rest" day for over a week and I'm just drained. I'm staying within my calorie limit (1200), taking my multi-vitamin, and doing everything I'm suppose to. I tried to get on the treadmill this morning, which is usually fun for me, but I couldn't get more than 3 minutes through it. My legs feel like jello and I'm just plain exhausted. I plan on taking a break today, but I feel so guilty! TMI...I'm hoping it is just because I'm having my TOM and it will pass.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this? Should I just rest today and pick back up tomorrow?

    Taking a break is just as vital to your long term success as anything else you do. The urge to never rest is a secret way we sabotage our efforts. I would advise you take tomorrow off. Your guilt + the rest will leave you feeling like a new woman on Friday--ready to get back at it and go the distance.

    I know my body needs rest, but it's so hard not to just keep pushing through. I'm going to take a break...but I'm not happy about it. lol

    I know, I am totally the same way. I will go for weeks subsisting on veggies, fruit, salmon, chicken and whole grains until my I WANT NACHOS meter is so high it's all I can do not to eat 5 plates in one sitting.

    Just remember, pushing it like this is a super sneaky way to actually derail your efforts! Jillian Michaels says that resting one - two days/ week and treating yourself are both MANDATORY on her plan.

    Look at it as a to-do that will hold you in good stead over the long haul. I feel your pain, but this is also part of the challenge, you can do it:-)
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    I find my weight loss works better when I alternate heavy days and light days. I will do a light walk one day and hit the circuit training the next (although sometimes real life gets in the way and sometime you need to juggle days).

    A pro body builder told me about it and it seems to work.