looking for friends to try juicing.I need motivation.

I recently watched fat sick and nearly dead and have started juicing and eating one meal a day. Then I weakened this weekend and binged. I would love some friends who want to try juicing too. Ideally would love somebody I could message when I feel like quitting and will motivate me to stay on track. My goal is fifteen days and if alls good then a whole month. Hope to hear from some of you!

Oh and I'm 5'3, 19 years old and 133 lbs. My goal is 115 to 120 lbs.


  • tiffanylafollette
    tiffanylafollette Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I started juicing Saturday. I am bad about starting a diet and breaking it, so I too need motivation. To help with that, I am juicing for breakfast, lunch, and a snack; and I allow myself whatever I want for dinner. The only rule to that is I have to eat it in one sitting (i.e. I can't feel full then get up and ten minutes later decide I am still wants something; once I get up, I'm done). Hopefully we can both stick it out. Good luck to you!
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    Oh this is not going to end well