Frustrated and not seeing results

I need some perspective here - I started MFP again about a month ago. I started out using MFP's recommended caloric intake then I ended up switching to TDEE counts about 2 weeks ago when I got a wonderful gal from here as a mentor. She helped set me up with a meal plan and I have been sticking to that meal plan pretty well. I have been watching my proteins, carbs, etc and have been at or under goal for the most part on all days. I measure everything I eat - I have been eating clean (at least 90%) anyway so I don't think I'm retaining water from sodium or other crap. I have been exercising 4 days a week like its set up in my profile - although I will say that I don't do any strength training (lifting weights) because joining a gym is just not financially feasible for me right now.

I can not seem to lose weight - I will lose a pound or two and then it comes back on and I keep losing that same 1-3 pounds. It's frustrated me to tears because I gained this weight over the course of a couple of years and now I can't seem to get it back off. I got it off back in 2009 with the Weight Watchers program but its been so hard this go around.

I welcome any suggestions (please be nice) - the meal plan I'm trying to follow is as follows:

1 carb, 2 proteins, 1 fruit
Mid Morning
1 protein, 1 fruit
1 protein, 1 carb, 1 veggie
Mid Afternoon
1 protein, 1 veggie
1 protein 1 veggie, 1 fat
Snack after dinner
I try to make something pretty healthy like frozen yogurt (basically greek yogurt with fruit and I stick it in the freezer), brownie made with pumpkin, 2 ingredient cookies, etc.


  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    If it's only been a couple of weeks, you probably won't see any results. Give it another 2-4 weeks and if you're still not trending downwards, subtract another 100 or so calories for your TDEE.
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Could it be your cycle?
  • amandadesch
    amandadesch Posts: 11 Member
    The suggestion about your cycle is a great one. You carry a lot of excess water weight the week before and after.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Have you taken your measurements to see if you're losing inches? Sometimes that can be a better estimate of progress if the scale isn't moving. Also, if your muscles are sore, they could be retaining water. Hang in there . . . you'll eventually see some progress.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I noticed that you are consistently not meeting your protein goal, and going over on sugar. I recommend prioritizing your protein to make sure you meet your goal. Also, as someone said earlier, your TDEE is an estimate. If you get all your protein while eating at the same calorie level for another week or two, and still don't lose, try lowering your calories a little. And, of course make sure you are weighing and measuring everything to make sure your calorie count is correct. Good luck!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I recently upped my caloric intake as well. Probably about 2 weeks duration, just as you did. I'm currently sitting at 1800-2000 cal per day. (5' tall, small framed 45 yr old woman with the last 15#'s to lose).

    I plan to stay at this level for another 2 weeks to verify that this is my maintenance. If I stay the same, I'll drop it (as others have said) by 100 cal or so increments until I can register a loss.

    As others have suggested, it's a good plan for you as well. You don't want to be 'budget' hopping before you know what's working or not, I know that's easier said than done. I'm not super confident all the time that I'm doing the right thing either, but I plan to stay the course so that I'll have an answer once and for all!

    Good luck :drinker:

    edited for clarity
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I see a lot of cups and tbs measurements in your diary - things like peanut butter need to be weighed as its oh so easy to use more than a 'tbs' amount.

    Also, i'd say that if you've only recently changed calorie goals then give it more time - try this level for a few more weeks and then reassess.
  • iasue
    iasue Posts: 46 Member
    psych - I know that I do measure in weight as well. For my PB I actually DO put it in a TBSP spoon and then put it on my bread, etc. I seriously don't just slab it on with a knife because I know how easy that is to go over.

    Annie - I have noticed that I have not met my protein goals too. It's been really hard to stay within my sugar limit and I'm not even eating the sweets that I used to! I need to get more protein in, but am not sure what things to take with me to work that don't need refrigeration. I go home for lunch, so that's a treat, but I need more portable snacks.

    Thank you guys for the help - I will try and stay positive. I know that I'm not getting in any strength exercises in - is there something that one can do without actually lifting weights? I'd love to, just don't have the means to join a gym right now.
  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    You can do exercises that use your body weight. Push up, squats, lunges, etc. You can use canned goods as dumbbells. Or get exercise bands.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Use a scale for everything. Don't use tablespoons and cups.