New here! Need support!!

Hi guys! I'm new to the forums but I've actually been logging my calorie count for a little over two weeks! I really need motivation an support! I've been married for 3 years, have a two yer old, and work full time. We recently moved to a new city with no friends or family close by! So I hve no support system. Just 5 years ago I weighed in at 157lbs. I'm 5'3 so thts still big but I was happy. Now at 23 I'm 265 pounds. I've gained over a hundred pounds in 5 years. That's more than 20lbs a year! I can't stand it anymore! I hate the way I look and even more I hate not being able to play with my daughter because I don't have the energy! Since I started with myfitnesspal I have lost 5 pounds. 9 total since Jan 1st. I want to be back at my former weight! So please myfitnesspal community, help me love myself again! Help keep me motivated!


  • ErinLauren
    ErinLauren Posts: 24 Member
    Well you have started! Thats the hard part. BABY STEPS lead to BIG ACCOMPLISHMENTS! You have my support! We shall succeed together! No more negatives.... small steps to a better you. I always say HOPE is for people that done BELIEVE! BELIEVE you can do this! Dont doubt it for a second! May you have an amazing successful day today! Do it for YOU!
  • karlenasmith
    I am new to myfitnesspal also. I have been amazed at how little it takes to eat 1200 calories in a day. This web site has truly been an eye opening experience for me. I had no idea just how many calories I must have been consuming in 1 day. Just logging in and keeping track of every thing I eat has been tremendously helpful in keeping me on track. I have lost 6 lbs since Jan. 4 and would like to lose 49 more lbs. My goal is by the end of May.
  • AngieRevised
    Let's get this party started! Feel free to add me as we have a similar journey!

  • BlueEyedTwin333
    ADD ME!!!!! :)
  • Fertilegrounds5
    Hi! I am new to the group(s) as well. I am glad to give you encouragement as I will need the same. I am 35 years old with 5 kids. Yes 5! I am also 5'3 and feel that anywhere between 145 and 150 is good for me. Actually I start to look unhealthy under that. I am not use to being this large (currently 215 with a 8 lb lost since the beginning of the year). WooHoo us!! I officially weighed in with a trainer yesterday and with all clothes and boots on I was 220. So I am taking a guess on the 215. They were snow boots and pretty heavy. LOL! Anyway I am glad to be yourfitnessPAL.
  • ybelen
    ybelen Posts: 27 Member
    welcome! we all need support, stay positive, and eat right. Take baby steps, once you feel more comfortable, add more exercise and take walks, even it it's 30 mins. Every min counts.
    It will be slow
    Try to think about the reward at the end! you will be so proud of yourself!
  • LadySBPA
    LadySBPA Posts: 5 Member
    Just remember it took you 5 years to put the weight on. So don't expect it to come off overnight. I set a very simple goal for myself. I want to weigh less at the end of the week than I did at the beginning of the week. As long as I am losing weight, I don't worry about how fast it is happening. Just stay on track and you will reach your goal! This website will really teach you how important it is to keep track of everything you eat. I found that it was the little handfuls of chips, or cookies that were really adding up! You are on the right track!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    You CAN do this!!
    Put me on as friend if you like.
    We need all the support we can
    get. :bigsmile:
  • antonjalceballos
    Thank you all so much! It hasn't even been thirty minutes since I posted and I've gotten so many replies! I can tell the mfp community is a very nice and supportive group of people! I look forward to sharing this journey with you guys! I will post a lot! I've found that writing everything down really makes me feel more in control ad also forces me to own up and be accountable for the 3 slices of pizza or that large cookie! I have recently started doing zumba (at home) and it's kicking my booty! I really liked the reply that said your goal was to weigh less at the end of the week than you did at the beginning. I think I may adopt the same goal! I'm also going to be blunt! I want to be smaller for myself and my health and my daughter but also I want to be sexy for my hubby again! I know I can do this, especially with such a good group of supportive people like you all! Thank you in advanced!
  • meanbmc
    meanbmc Posts: 28
    wanting to look good again is a major goal for me-i want my man to be proud of me again!! the baby steps are important, and they do lead to large results. i totally agree with weighing less at the end of the week than i did at the beginning-that's a cool way to look at it. welcome, and you can add me if you like. i also am 5'3, and waaaay over my healthy 125. i've lost a few pounds, but have a really long way to go. good luck!
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    add me :) everyone needs a little support :)

    I've been doing Zumba too! recently got it for my wii and i love it! good luck on your journey!
  • newsammy11
    newsammy11 Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!

    The more support the better! :)
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Glad to give support to anyone who would like and get support in return. It took me a lifetime to get this way so it will take a while to reverse , so will need a lot of support along the way. As someone said , this is a lifestyle change not just a "diet".... diets come and go ( I have yo - yo dieted off and on for yrs) and the weight comes back on. We need to be realistic and not kick ourselves when life intervenes......we need to support each other.
    I have an open diary to my friends , add me if you like. :-)