getting up from sleeping and eating at random times?

When I sleep or nap, I randomly get up and eat, then go right back to bed and its really frustrating and I don't know why I do it! Does anyone else have or had this problem? I will get up from my sleep, use the bathroom, grab a snack, eat it, then go right back to bed. Its really a problem :\


  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    I do this as well... i will wake up to get a drink or go to the rest room and all of a sudden have a craving .. usually its something sweet....I'm trying not to do it but it is hard not to.
  • UncreativeMe123
    UncreativeMe123 Posts: 52 Member
    I used to do that too, it was like I HAD to eat something sugary to even go back to sleep. I stopped, but that's just because I used dental hygiene as a motivation...good to brush before bed, and a shame to eat right after brushing :) Is it mainly sweet items that you eat?
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Yep, pretty much every night. Now I make sure that I have calories set aside for this exact thing. I also keep a protein bar in my night stand table and I grab that and eat it. So at least the damage is minimal and I am not eating other "crap". So you are not alone. I find if I have a snack about 1/2 before bed that it helps also. Good luck it can be a pain, but you may have to try to fit it into your calories count, then there won't be an issue in that regard. Also are you getting enough to eat during the day? Are you eating your recommend calories and meeting all your macros or are you lacking in some area, that could be creating this problem. Just a thought.
  • Wow I didn't know this was like a.."thing"! I usually grab some Fiber brownies or something but yeah like everyone else said, I usually grab something sugary or even a bowl of cereal then go straight to bed. Why the heck do we do this? Weird!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Like, you're "sleep eating"? or more like thoughtlessly eating because you're so tired?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I remember a few years back I got up in the middle of the night to eat a snack, but it did nothing for me. That was the first and last time I got out of bed and had a snack.

    OP, have you spoken to your doctor about this?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Could it be habitual?
  • I haven't spoken to my doctor, but I guess maybe I should? Hm, I'll do a search on google and see what comes up. I also think habitual @odesangel
  • rozb69
    rozb69 Posts: 12 Member
    This is very common. They have a diagnosis for it. Google it for additional information. It's the story of my life. Getting better at controlling it, but it's still here.