Low Carb Breakfast

Ok....I'm just starting out with all of this and one issue I am having is cutting my carbs in my breakfast. Everything I eat for breakfast is high in carbs. Cereals, juices, bread, fruit,.....the only thing I might eat on a regular basis for breakfast that doesn't overload my carbs is EGGS. I like eggs, but I need some variety.

What do you eat for breakfast that is low in carbs but still gives you enough energy to get you going for the day?


  • Why the obsession with "breakfast" foods?
  • I like protein shakes made with either skim or unsweetened almond milk (or water if you can stomach it). You get all the protein but few carbs. Just make sure you are using a higher quality protein (Optimum Nutrition Gold is a good one, reasonably priced on bodybuilding.com) so that its not loaded with sugar (I'm looking at you Carnation Instant Breakfast).

    Also, I've made "egg muffins" in the past. You basically just bake eggs in a muffin pan with any meats or veggies you wish. You can find a bunch of recipes on google or pinterest. They are pretty portable too.

    Also try some unconventional breakfast items. Down here in the South fried chicken and waffles make for an awesome breakfast. I grew up in Upstate New York so the idea of chicken for breakfast was weird to me. Now I love it! Try mixing some shredded chicken in your egg muffins if you decide to go that route. I mean, people eat cold pizza for breakfast too right?
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Well, I never really cut my carb intake down, aside from assuring I'm getting enough protein, fiber, and fats for the day. I typically eat Greek yogurt with fruit, oatmeal with pb2 and granola, sometimes I do a poptart if I'm busy or I want one (those peanut butter poptarts are awesome!). Eggs you can do Sunnyside with toast or scrambled with veggies in them (I like avacado, onion, peppers, and tomato in mine). Anything under the sun
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I had a sweet potato from microwave and 1/2 cup cottage cheese. Holds me till lunch..
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    greek yogurt with fruit.

    oatmeal is a good source of protein

    you can substitue quinoa for oatmeal, although its not much higher in protein.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    You can make your own breakfast sausage with any ground meat you like. You can have an egg with it if you want. I used to make egg muffins for the week. I'd take any veggies I'd like and mix them with eggs and some spices and pour it evenly into a well greased muffin pan and bake at 350 for 15-20 min I think. it's easy to tell when the eggs are done. This can fill you up with fiber, healthy crabs and healthy fats.

    You could also eat whatever leftovers you might have in the fridge for breakfast. No one ever said it had to be the bad stuff.

    I love making green smoothies in the morning. My go to low carb smoothie is

    1 avocado
    2 cups mixed greens
    2 cups almond milk
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    2 tbsp. ground cinnamon

    This makes about 30oz, maybe a little bit more. I keep the extra in mason jars for a snack later in the day. You could add nut/seed butter for protein and it would taste really good! It would up the carbs, just up to you. Hope this helps!!!
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    Eggs are my mainstay. I fry up two eggs and eat them over greens. I also add a little bit of homemade unsweetened almond milk to my coffee. That's my everyday breakfast. Other ideas:

    Smoked salmon
    greek yogurt
    veggie frittata
    tofu scramble

    hope this helps
  • Eggs, any meats, cheeses, veggies
  • I do Keto, which is essentially a Low Carb lifestyle with high protein and high fat intake. For breakfast foods I do the following:

    1 minute flax seed muffin (If you want the recipe I can give it to you no problem - it's super easy)
    Eggs (scrambled, hard-boiled, as an omelet with avocado/spinach/cheese/etc)
    Cream Cheese Pancakes (I also have the recipe for these)
    Greek Yogurt with Protein Powder (chocolate flavor) and occasionally berries
    Quiche (no crust, just eggs, meat, veggies, and cheese)
    Coffee with heavy cream or coconut oil

    I hope this gives you some ideas or helps even a little bit. =]
  • UncreativeMe123
    UncreativeMe123 Posts: 52 Member
    I love scrambling up eggs with Chorizo sausage. I also will make smoothies with Kefir, frozen fruit. and gelatin powder (added protein).
  • marlerk
    marlerk Posts: 4 Member
    I always have a greek yogurt and fruit for mid morning snack before lunch! :)
  • I'm trying to stay below 66g of sugar every day and yesterday, I had some OJ and that used up almost half of my sugar for the day....then today I thought I would do better with oatmeal and cottage cheese with pineapple....and I was shocked when I realized I had already used up half of my sugar intake goal.

    I'm not trying to go "low carb" at all....I just want to be able to have some breathing room throughout the day when it comes to the goals I have set. I don't want to use all of my sugar or carb goal before noon!

    But $#%@!!! I like my OJ in the morning (since I don't drink coffee or tea) and trying to cut back on it is really killing me! LOL

    Like I said....eggs are good.....but get tired of them very quickly. I guess I'm just going to have to be doing a lot more eggs and a lot less OJ.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition that requires monitoring sugar, replace it with fiber in your Diary and ignore it. If you're eating a balanced diet and getting your necessary nutrient intake for the day, there's nothing inherently wrong with sugar. I routinely have over 100g of sugar a day. I really like fruit and ice cream. Nothing wrong with either.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    2% cottage cheese.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    2 eggs, 3 bacon, around 100g of canteloup, tea with a tablespoon of cream in it.

    Or 3 eggs, 1 tbsp cream, 1 oz grated cheese, tarragon, truffle salt, ~100g canteloup, tea with cream.

    Either way is about 500-550 calories and about 10 g carbohydrate.

    Don't worry about the fat in the bacon or cheese, you'll dilute the % down by eating non-bacon, non-cheese foods later in the day.

    Your body and mine are sure to be different, but I've been losing at 2 lbs/week for the past month on these kinds of breakfasts and exercise. (about 1 of those weekly lbs can be attributed to the exercise).
  • In breakfast I prefer Eggs, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese. Spoonable dairy products can be combined with fruit, such as frozen berries, and nuts or flax seed to make a quick breakfast.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    As someone very sensibly said in the thread that they don't cut their carbs so long as they're hitting their other macros, well that's me too.

    I always have carbs for breakfast - I usually workout late morning to midday and if I don't have carbs I really notice it (now when I'm talking about breakfast carbs this is normally porridge or wholemeal bread). Remember also that carbs take many forms, from veg to alcohol to high and low fibre/sugar varients. I'm not very tolerant of carb bashing.

    However, saying all that there are plenty of alternatives as many people have suggested. However, food also has to be enjoyable, so have a think about what proteins you like to eat first thing in the morning....whey powder, yoghurt, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken/meat, and then work out some options from that.
  • Splooiemello
    Splooiemello Posts: 5 Member
    Bacon lettuce wraps. (Avocado for fancy flair)

    Chorizo and eggs.

    Meat medley of sausage, bacon, ham, held together by mounds of cheese.

    And for a fat bomb that goes well on each of those, 2tbs of sour cream mixed with 1tbs of HWC.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Bacon and egg. 10% fat greek yoghurt with almonds. etc
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Protein all the way..............!!

    At the moment I am loving the fage greek yoghurts & putting crunchy peanut butter inside - Try it!!! Amazing

    Fruit Salad
    Boiled Eggs, Chicken/turkey slices
    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Shakes
    Protein Bars
    Mixed nuts with a banana
    Danio yoghurt (These are amazing) with some berries

    I also love the little alpen porridge pots with nuts & raisens... Only 240 calories a pot - Filling too!!