I need motivation!!!!!

Anyone want to add me so can motivate eachother?


  • Yes please! I sent you a request.
  • cam2501
    cam2501 Posts: 3
  • I am new to the community also but would like to help motivate you. I have found so many friends here in a few days and believe me they are motivating. We all inspire one another.
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm in the same position as you. Im a bit discouraged since an injury and now having surgery. So no working out for a minimum 6 weeks :/ But after that I will be better than ever! Ive had plenty of set backs and havent let them get me down for long. Just remind yourself why you are doing this(or find a crush and keep that person in your mind while you bust @$$ in the gym) and you will succeed everytime Ive sent you an invite.
  • add me please...trying to lose weight, and could really use some friends on here as motivation. :happy:
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in the same boat! If anyone would like to add me please do :)