Inspiring TV shows?

What are some good TV shows to watch to help push you toward reaching your weight loss goals?

MTV used to have a show a few years ago called "I Used To Be Fat" where in every episode, one high school kid would dedicate their summer to losing weight with a personal trainer. Some of the people sucked and weren't motivated but in one of the episodes, the transformation was amazing. He started the episode overweight, clearly very self-conscious, quiet, nerdy. By the end of the show, he was fit, confident, had a girlfriend and developed his own sense of style.

Any other good shows like this? I know the Biggest Loser is obviously the big one. But the show's format doesn't really appeal to me. It's also a little unrealistic that they are all on a workout commune. I'd rather see something where people are doing it in their own surroundings.

Share your motivational shows here!


  • Mbierschbach
    Mbierschbach Posts: 94 Member
    American Muscle. Watching elite athletes push each other. I watch it on DVR on Saturday mornings before I go CRUSH leg day. Gets me motivated.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I usually DVR Triathlons, but for some reason, watching AFL (Australian Rules Football) makes me want to get up & run.

    And another thing that would give me a "push" was the GNC commercial that was out a month or so ago about being "average". Never would fail to spur me into action.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This is going to be sort of the opposite of what you were probably looking for, but I got really inspired by a lot of cooking shows. Seeing a lot of them really gave me more confidence to start cooking more for myself and take control of what I was eating, instead of relying on fast food and take out for what I ate.
    (not that there is anything wrong with fast food or takeout)

    I hate all the weight loss shows and find some of them (Extreme Makeover in the past, Bigger Loser now) pretty disturbing.

    But I can totally see how this ^ would be a motivator, even though it may sound a bit odd.

    I'm motivated in a way by shows with cute clothes LOL. Marnie, Jessa and Shoshanna on Girls, or characters on most current shows like Modern Family, Bones, Sarah Michelle Gellar when she was in the show Ringer...whatever...seeing cute outfits on thin and average bodies makes me feel even more motivated to wear and/or look cute in those kinds of styles!
  • Jonthomas79
    I could sure write a list of what NOT to watch.
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    Supersize vs. Superskinny
    It's a British TV show you can find on youtube. They take a morbidly obese person and an underweight person, have them track their food intake for a week, then they spend a few days in a "feeding clinic" where they swap meals for a few days.
    It talks about eating problems from both sides (under and overeating) and health risks from both sides.
    It also has segments with extremely obese people (+700lbs), anorexics, a woman trying to find quick fixes (my least favorite part) and a lot more.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Supersize vs Superskinny - I can't get enough of it. Especially the earlier episode where they put all the weeks worth of food for each of the guests into a big clear tube.

    Also - Secret Eaters. Basic premise is some real fattys who think they are making all good food choices and can't figure out why they've put on 60lbs in a year. Cue investigators and secret cameras which show mid-night trips to the chippy/8 pints a night/pie sandwich etc etc.

    It has it flaws in its ultimate nutritional advice, but it's still pretty interesting.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I'm motivated by not spending a lot of my time watching tv. The less I watch, the more I get done which means I have more time to focus on fitness! Good luck!
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    The Biggest Loser!! I usually hate those kind of shows, but it shows you that ANYONE can lose weight, work hard and be healthy. It stops you from making the "I'm too fat to X" excuse.
  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    American Ninja Warrior & Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    American Ninja Warrior

    Ok, yes, that show is fun to watch :)
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    Obese: A Year to Save my Life is truly a great watch - I feel its more realistic than Biggest Loser as people do have to do it at home around their normal lives. I will watch and re watch and it always makes me feel inspired to do more, work harder, make the change
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm not too motivated by obesity and fitness shows, but I when I binge watch a show I enjoy (like Supernatural for example) I tend to register lower calories that day because I'm too involved to cook or go to the store for a high calorie snack so I just grab vegetables or quick low calorie snacks to munch on when I'm hungry.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    This is going to be sort of the opposite of what you were probably looking for, but I got really inspired by a lot of cooking shows. Seeing a lot of them really gave me more confidence to start cooking more for myself and take control of what I was eating, instead of relying on fast food and take out for what I ate.
    (not that there is anything wrong with fast food or takeout)

    I really enjoy cooking shows, especially the ones aimed at the family cook. I don't watch them too often because I will want to cook (and eat) everything.

    My most inspiring are travel shows. I used to travel and hike (Ireland, Scotland, all over the US) until I was injured hiking the mountains in Nepal. My goal is to be able to travel again and go waking around cities and the countryside (mountains are unlikely since my hip never fully recovered) and seeing the places I want to add to my bucket list is inspiring to me.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    Obese: A Year to Save my Life is truly a great watch - I feel its more realistic than Biggest Loser as people do have to do it at home around their normal lives. I will watch and re watch and it always makes me feel inspired to do more, work harder, make the change

    Agreed, especially as Jessie Pavelka seems far more sympathetic and encouraging than Bob & Jillian. I also used to like a Canadian show called X Weighted as that was a similar long term journey type programme rather than a game show like TBL (it's quite old but there might be episodes on Youtube)

    If you like the Biggest Loser, check out the the Australian version (don't bother with the UK version, it was rubbish!).

    I hate Supersize v Superskinny, but love Secret Eaters (although three series in now I can't believe people who sign up for the show then act surprised at being caught out - have they never watched the show before they volunteered?)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I love to watch all shows related to obesity. Having been obese since I was 3 years old, it's a subject close to my heart. I enjoy learning more about the causes and effects of our severe obesity and understanding the stories of others. I enjoy supersize vs superskinny, secret eaters, extreme weightloss, my 600 pound life, Fat Doctor, I Used to be Fat, and pretty much any documentary on the subject. It's helped me examine my own obesity, lifestyle, habits, struggles, excuses, etc and yes, gaining this understanding has made a positive impact for me. I especially draw a lot of inspiration when I see people fatter than me really killing it in a workout!
  • untuvainen
    untuvainen Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not too motivated by obesity and fitness shows, but I when I binge watch a show I enjoy (like Supernatural for example) I tend to register lower calories that day because I'm too involved to cook or go to the store for a high calorie snack so I just grab vegetables or quick low calorie snacks to munch on when I'm hungry.
    I do this too! Got through last weekend's cravings by re watching supernatural episodes.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I think So You Think You Can Dance is really inspiring. The strength & control they have is amazing & does make me want to be more healthy.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I've seen the commercials, but made a decision to check it out "on demand" today....."Esquire Network" has a show called "Boundless". 2 guys, Simon 37, & "Turbo", 47, who scan the globe taking part in challenges & document their journeys, boosting each other along.

    I've only seen 3 episodes so far, 1st was a mountain bike race through Austria, like 123km or something like that, next episode was 100km running race in Mongolia, last episode was the "Charlie Ramsey Round" in Scotland (24 mountain tops in Scotland in 24 hours!).

    Last one I knew was out of my realm of possibilities, but the Mongolian one...I was sitting there thinking "Hey, my passport is still good! Wonder how much the entry fee is for THAT!?"
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    I'll second American Ninja Warrior. That show stopped me from ordering a pizza the other night!