Does Your Spouse Support your Lifestyle Change into Weight L

Just curious to know if your spouse supports your decision into weight loss? Do they share the same problems as you or is weight no issue for him or her? What does he or she do that makes you feel good or bad when weight loss is concerned?


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    my husband operates on the motto happy wife happy life. he's very supportive. he eats whatever i make yadda yadda
  • goosemuffin
    My hubby is pretty much up for whatever I throw his direction.. He is a type2 diabetic so we have to watch our food anyway, but now I've been even more conscience trying to make myself healthier.
  • heatherw7
    My husband is my biggest motivator! We are both in the same boat, trying to lose the weight to be in the healthy BMI zone. He doesnt have much to go, and it seems like the weight just falls off him. So when I see him working out like crazy it makes me want to work even harder!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Not only supports it, but she started and is kicking my butt.
  • rikmoor
    rikmoor Posts: 3 Member
    Funny - just had this conversation with a friend this morning. My bride could stand to lose a few, but I am not unhappy with her appearance. She is though. She is jealous that I am losing weight and reaching higher fitness levels (major dietary change and P90X going on here) but it has not motivated her to change...yet. Beach season is right around the corner. We live at the beach and are there every weekend. That's when she will pressure herself. But I certainly won't be the one to apply pressure! Encouragement and support, absolutely! I do most of our cooking too so that isn't a big deal. She usually cooks some sort of starch separate from "my" meal I just don't eat it and therefore don't fix it.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Yes - I followed my wife into MFP (and the lifestyle). Hooray for her (and me too). :tongue:
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Mine is totally supportive :) he only wants me to be happy with whatever I choose to do.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    we are both on MFP and we are doing it together
  • trueandgenuine
    Its very nice to see that so many couple support one another even if the other doesn't share the same issues. I thank God daily for an extremely supportive husband. He is very encouraging and tried to keep me on the right track because I've askeds him too. I gained a lot of weight after having 3 children literally back to back and he never made me feel any different just here to help motivate me. Its helps to have supportive people around you.
  • DoubleO7
    My “Honey Bunches of Oats” always says… “Don’t loose too much”. He knows how I am with my eating habits or patterns. I know he just wants the best for me and for me to be healthy.

    Be well :)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    More now than he used to be. He loves to cook, especially baking. So I had problems coming home to fresh baked yeast rolls or a homemade apple pie. But now he has watch what he eats a little more closely. So he is more consitant with eating healthy than I am!! That has helped me get back on track. Now if we can just get each other motivated to exercise! Working on that!
  • trueandgenuine
    Funny - just had this conversation with a friend this morning. My bride could stand to lose a few, but I am not unhappy with her appearance. She is though. She is jealous that I am losing weight and reaching higher fitness levels (major dietary change and P90X going on here) but it has not motivated her to change...yet. Beach season is right around the corner. We live at the beach and are there every weekend. That's when she will pressure herself. But I certainly won't be the one to apply pressure! Encouragement and support, absolutely! I do most of our cooking too so that isn't a big deal. She usually cooks some sort of starch separate from "my" meal I just don't eat it and therefore don't fix it.
    I think this too is a very common issue amongst couples. But you know you might just be her inspiration in the making. I realized that no on can make us loose weight it has to be a personal decision or else we will end up in failure. So, when you walking the beach looking great she might just be like Dits my turn now." Glad u still accept her for who she is despite you knowing she need s to shed some. Thumbs up.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    We are doing it together even though our opinions on how to do it are very different. We are very active together. We teasingly pinch each other's tummy rolls when we are being bad about food.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    My husband has been the same size waist since he was 13 years old, he has never had a weight problem in his life, so he doesn't really understand mine. But, he tries and is very encouraging! My kids to are encouraging!
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    mine can eat his weight in fast food, and not gain an ounce. he definitely enjoys the view a little more. he eats whatever I make, or he doesn't eat. so I guess he is as supportive as he can without having a flippin clue. he did get me the kinect and wants to buy me some of the workout games, but I think that was just guilt for playing COD every minute he is home. :(
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    My beau and are in similar, yet different positions. I am trying to LOSE weight and tone and he trying to MAINTAIN and tone. I am 5'8" and 185 and he is 6'3" 275. I am trying to get to a healthy weight so I look and feel better and when we have kids I want to be in a healthy situation. He is in the "enforcement" biz and people tend to respect his larger frame. His goals include getting ripped and losing his almost 29 year old-beer belly! LOL

    He is very supportive and in the RIGHT ways. He tells me every day that I need to do this for ME and not for him and I always counter back with the fact that I am doing it for him too. . I want to look good for him! He leaves me little notes about something he noticed about me (changing looks as I was over 200#) and uses the phrase, "when you come home from the gym" instead of "are you going to the gym?" He knows that if he puts it that way then I will feel comfortable with taking some more "me" time!

    Our biggest issue is FOOD! He drinks a lot of supplements and eats a LOT and nothing is usually healthy. He can put down an entire pizza or box of spaghetti where I count EVERY single calorie. He won't eat turkey for beef or wheat for enriched white products. . I am trying to sneak things in here and there. But with that said, he always encourages me to make my own meals (or he will make what I ask or bring home what I ask) and never pressures me into eating the things he eats. I just really wish a lot of the stuff was not in the house. I guess I don't have the willpower to ignore it in the fridge/cupboard! Oh well, ya can't win 'em all right! ;) I wouldn't trade him for the world!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    My husband is quite overweight. He is trying to lose, but he struggles. (like me). We are both doing different plans. He is going low carb. We don't eat the same things. That makes dinner time a bit of a challenge. Yesterday I cooked skinless chicken breast for me and pork chops for him. I am willing to do that to help him stick to the plan he likes, but it can be hard for each of us to watch the other eat foods that we "can't have". Oh, well. Hopefully we will both be successful THIS TIME! :glasses:
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    my husband and I have been together for over 9yrs and has always been very supportive...he has never had a problem w/my weight or looks and has never changed his attitude with me or pressured me on the contrary we still treat each other the way we were on our boyfriend/girlfriend days :love: ....he encourages me on my exercise and diet all the time....Im glad to say i have all the best support, I have my whole family, friends and MFP members behind me but my biggest supporters are my husband, kids and sisters and that makes it all the husband cheers me and my kids exercise w/ sisters also joined MFP and we are all doing this together...! :happy:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My husband has been wonderful!! He is so supportive!! He is starting to notice small changes with my body!! He stated that my forearms are getting smaller!!! I hadn't even thought about my forearms!!! It was nice of him to notice that!!!
    He is my cheerleader!!! He has never struggled with is weight........but he is there for me!!!! I don't think I could do this without his support!!!!!
  • Shamrock40
    My beau and are in similar, yet different positions. I am trying to LOSE weight and tone and he trying to MAINTAIN and tone. I am 5'8" and 185 and he is 6'3" 275. I am trying to get to a healthy weight so I look and feel better and when we have kids I want to be in a healthy situation. He is in the "enforcement" biz and people tend to respect his larger frame. His goals include getting ripped and losing his almost 29 year old-beer belly! LOL

    He is very supportive and in the RIGHT ways. He tells me every day that I need to do this for ME and not for him and I always counter back with the fact that I am doing it for him too. . I want to look good for him! He leaves me little notes about something he noticed about me (changing looks as I was over 200#) and uses the phrase, "when you come home from the gym" instead of "are you going to the gym?" He knows that if he puts it that way then I will feel comfortable with taking some more "me" time!

    Our biggest issue is FOOD! He drinks a lot of supplements and eats a LOT and nothing is usually healthy. He can put down an entire pizza or box of spaghetti where I count EVERY single calorie. He won't eat turkey for beef or wheat for enriched white products. . I am trying to sneak things in here and there. But with that said, he always encourages me to make my own meals (or he will make what I ask or bring home what I ask) and never pressures me into eating the things he eats. I just really wish a lot of the stuff was not in the house. I guess I don't have the willpower to ignore it in the fridge/cupboard! Oh well, ya can't win 'em all right! ;) I wouldn't trade him for the world!

    This sounds a bit like us. My husband is a police officer and trying to put muscle-weight on after losing about 40 lbs. Fortunately, we eat most of the same things, he just eats way more than I do. We've been eating brown rice, whole wheat pasta and lean, grilled meats for a while. I used to eat a ton of good things, but not really watch my portions, and then I was a terrible snacker and emotional eater. Tell your fiance those whole wheat products will put more muscle on him faster. He's taking on too much fat with all that junk food. Come on! You can sell it to him! LOL!

    My husband is amazingly supportive and I know for a fact that if I never lost an ounce he would love me no matter what. He is super proud of me and tells me all the time. Since I had 2 c-sections, I have a huge tummy "pooch" that hangs down and I'm disgusted by it. When I reach my goal, he told me I can have a tummy tuck to get rid of that! Yay!! My husband rocks!!