Stay at Home Moms Support Each Other!

trueandgenuine Posts: 49
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
As a stay at home mother of a 3,4, and 5 year old I know how difficult it is to make time for yourself and change your lifestyle. It is so easy to get caught up in a daily routine of catering to everyone other than yourself. I've been a stay at home mom since my first was born and have gained a tremendous amount of weight during this time. I've realized now is time to make a change.
I thought we could start a topic here and support each other, share our thoughts, concerns, and ideas about weight loss and beibg home. Support and motivate one another. Because we needd it. I look forward to hearing from some other mommas.


  • WindmillSong
    WindmillSong Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome, from another newbie! :) I'm a sahm to 4- Boys: 9, 7, 4 and 1 girl-18 months. It's definitely a challenge, trying to eat healthy and sneak in exercise, but it should be such a priority-which I have let slack the last few years. I look forward to chatting with other moms!
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    I am also a stay at home mom. I have a 7 year old in school and a 5 & 2 year old at home. My husband & I only have 1 car right now so every morning we all get up real early to take him to work and drop my son off at school. Then I am home most of the day with the kids.. cleaning, cooking ect.. I find it real hard to find time to work out let alone go to a gym. I would love to talk with other moms and get motivation from everyone!! :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi! I am an active poster on a SAHM post, feel free to come join us! We start a new thread each week :)

    I've been a SAHM since my oldest was born and was overweight before I even got pregnant with him. I'm on those last 10 pounds, and it's sooo hard!
  • typeaimages
    typeaimages Posts: 29 Member
    I can relate. I'm a SAHM to a 3 year old and 2 month old. One of the most frustrating parts is finding time to work out. Seems like everytime I start either the 3 year old needs something or the 2 month old starts crying. Also, I am self-employed full once I go back to work full time it will be a bigger challenge. But, I'm motivated to FIND time. At least 6 days a week.
  • danahake
    danahake Posts: 64 Member
    this is a great idea, im a sahm to my son who is 4 yrs old. im basically cutting foods and calories i havent gotten to the exercise part yet, i just started 3 days ago, but ive lost 2 lbs soo far so yay me..
  • rkrobke
    rkrobke Posts: 15
    I am at home with my 3 and 5 year old boys. I can relate to gaining weight while at home. I have finally decieded that it is time to put myself first once and a while and get back to the gym. I am commiting myself to exercising 5 times per week....I try to do 7 but it is sometimes hard. I feel so much better already and can't wait to continue loosing weight and getting back to my pre-kids self!
  • Im a SAHM my kids are 7, 4,2. I go tot he gym 7 days a week. I find it easier to go right when i drop my 7yr old off at school. Its hard but i make time because it gives me my time to myself to work on me and in the end it makes me feel better.
  • Love to see all the sahms out there supporting each other. I am a sahm to a 12 year old and a 5 year old. We homeschool and volunteer full time at church so we are very busy and I agree it is so hard to find time to excercise! I am here to support anyone who needs it!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am a SAHM to my almost two year old son. I do work about 20 hours, but my son comes to the office with me, and I do a lot of working from home. I am still hanging on to most of the baby weight from his is pregnant, but as he is turning two, I have decided that I need to throw away the excuse and take control. Feel free to friend me, look forward to supporting each other!
  • Its so great to hear from so many other women with the same common issue. So often we as mothers neglect ourselves. Staying at home makes it a lot easier for us to get stuck in a rut and very difficult to climb ourselves out of it. I am just so glad that I finally have gotten to the point where I know I a now ready to make a change. Hopefully we can all be of good support to one another. I am a newbie to MFL so I'm just starting off and learning myself. I encourage each of you to stay motivated and know that you are all beauttiful. The first step to any problem in life is recognizing you have a problem or issue and working towards correcting it.

    QUESTION: What do you feel as a SAHM has been the one thing that has kept you or hindered you in anyway (before today) from loosing weight? Are u an emotional eater, depressed, slow metabloism, not quanity but rather quality..etc....
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a SAHM to 4 children 15, 13, 3 1/2 and 2 yrs. I just signed on to MFP yesterday and had my first workout in 4 weeks, due to moving. I typically exercise 4 days a week doing both cardio and weight lifting (you really do need both). Food wise I know what I should eat it isn't for lack of knowledge, lack of commitment would be my issue. There are very few things that my entire family would eat, they are very picky myself included, so it is difficult to find healthful choices that everyone or most everyone would enjoy.

    to answer the question of the day-when I've had a trying day or am just exhausted (I don't sleep well and neither does my youngest) I don't care much about what too worn out to think about it. Makes it easy to just use comfort foods to soothe what ever chaos is going on.
  • My answer to the question would be two things actually...1.not how much or how often I eat because if that werew the case I shoul dbe skinny LOL but the quality- its what I'm eating. High in sugars, sodium, lots of carbs. Calorie packed pretty much. I realize it now that I've been watching what goes in. The other thing is EXCUSES. I had an excuse for everything...I can't go walking because the kids will get to cranky, I can't exercise because the kids will interupt to much, I can't do this or that because I have work to do. Y'all get my drift. A pile of excusues for myself. My husband would even be like let's do some exercise together after his long day at work and I'd have an excuse for that. So glad I've broken down that wall and realizing that all things are possible when you allow them to be.
  • QUESTION: What do you want to gain out of loosing weight? How has the road to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle been so far?
    I look forward to hearing from everyone. Wishing y'all a happy, successful day. Move over over calories...cause here I come!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    QUESTION: What do you want to gain out of loosing weight? How has the road to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle been so far?
    I look forward to hearing from everyone. Wishing y'all a happy, successful day. Move over over calories...cause here I come!

    Good morning!
    I want to gain confidence in the way I look. I want to be able to look in the mirror and not immediatley move from my face down to my mid-section and start judging myself. Instead, I want to look in that mirror and know (not just be telling myself) that I look fantastic in my skin.
    So far the road has been good to actual weight loss at my weigh in, but inches are going away and clothes are looser.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    i am a stay at home mommy of 4. being chubby all my life and having 4 kids on top of it just did terrible things to my body, so im here to try to get fit and be a healither mommy for my kids, and myself. its hard to find time for me when i have no help because my husband is deployed or training. feel free to friend me i need all the help i can get. lol

  • Good morning!
    I want to gain confidence in the way I look. I want to be able to look in the mirror and not immediatley move from my face down to my mid-section and start judging myself. Instead, I want to look in that mirror and know (not just be telling myself) that I look fantastic in my skin.
    So far the road has been good to actual weight loss at my weigh in, but inches are going away and clothes are looser.

    Have a great day everyone!!

    G'Morning Girl! I do hope u have a fabulous day! Inches are ALWAYS good because its definitely a goodf feeling to be able to fit in clothes you hadn't or have the ones you are wearing loose. You obviously are burning up somewhere. So that's a great thing. Yayyy!1 Continue to be encouraged!
  • i am a stay at home mommy of 4. being chubby all my life and having 4 kids on top of it just did terrible things to my body, so im here to try to get fit and be a healither mommy for my kids, and myself. its hard to find time for me when i have no help because my husband is deployed or training. feel free to friend me i need all the help i can get. lol

    Well we are def here for u chick! Hopefully we can become the support system we all need to continue on successfully! You can do it. And remember its so important to find "ME" time even if its 30 minutes before or after kids are in bed. Make time for u...its important. I am slowly learning this more and more. Its makes for a much saner me!
  • Sad face sad face!! Y'all I gained 1.8lbs. This totally sucks! For one I have no idea what I've done wrong and 2 well....the same as number one. Maybe I need to exercise more. I dunno. My cycle is about to come on. Could it possibly be from that. My body does hold a great deal of fluid and I actually take prescribed meds for it. Wondering if its fluid I'm retaiing. I hadn't beentaking my meds on the regular so maybe so.

    And to answer the question I hope to gain a lot more self confidence. I've lost it along the way. Although my husband tells me I'm beautiful I want to look in the mirror and see that physically for myself. I also want these new health issues that have arised in my life to go away. Especially since I have control over changing it.

    So far this journey has been ok. It is definitely difficult especially cycle is about to come on and I have been craving sooooo much. "Evil food". LOL But I am going to resist the temptation.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    QUESTION: What do you want to gain out of loosing weight? How has the road to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle been so far?

    This is the start of day 3, so far I've done well stayed under my calorie count though not by a lot. I've been much more aware of what I was eating and seeing how many calories something really is helps to make the right choice. What I want to gain out of losing weight is self confidence. I realize that 20 lbs. really is about vanity but I don't want to cringe each time I look in the mirror with no clothes on! Not feeling comfortable in my skin does affect my physical relationship with my husband as well. He wears rose colored glasses all the time so he doesn't see any of the not so great areas but I know they're there.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member

    QUESTION: What do you feel as a SAHM has been the one thing that has kept you or hindered you in anyway (before today) from loosing weight? Are u an emotional eater, depressed, slow metabloism, not quanity but rather quality..etc....
    Most certainly, and all the above. I was at home with the kids and always far away from home and friends as an Army wife. Even now, after my husband retired military and working civilian I find myself far from home....
    It's still difficult to keep the house and tend to the kids, even though they are getting older and a little more independent. The motivation to keep myself focused gets mudane most days, esp when there's laundry and dust that needs constant attention.

    I am getting myself into a routine of taking care of me, so I'm hopeful these days...great to have ya'll here :flowerforyou:
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