New to MFP

Hello everyone!
So, here I am! I am new to this site and I am not so new to dieting but decided that this time I am going to fight for it. I figured that a site like this would help keep me motivated and also I could receive support for the choices I am making. I am really happy that my cousin told me about this site and am ready to get started. Although, this is coming at the beginning of the New Year I am NOT looking at this as a New Year's resolution but as a life change that has been a long time coming. NO MORE EXCUSES!!! (cause I have had plenty of them).


  • KatieJoDunlap
    KatieJoDunlap Posts: 20 Member
    Congrats on getting started!!! I am New to the site as well. I hope that you reach your goals. I have noticed that this is an amazing support system.
  • gillybt
    Welcome, this is a fab website. Like most of us, January is the month for making resolutions, but I agree with you, it's a life style change. I start every year with good intentions, do really well for the majority of the year, then slip up, normally after my summer hol. On the up side, I was still lighter than I was last January! I wish you luck and I'm sure you will achieve your goal this year. x