Which is your favorite and most effective workout?

Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
ive seen ppl post on here about Brazil Butt lift, Power90, P90x, and insanity....along with Jillian Michaels workouts....so which do you prefer and what in your opinion works best?


  • To me, variety is the spice of life (or workouts lol) :)

    My favorite work out at home videos are: Zumba, Yoga Booty Ballet, anything Ellen Barrett makes, Jillian's 6 pack abs

    I go to Zumba classes and teach Aqua Zumba.....love it!! (I love any class though at the place I work lol)
  • well i do Zumba cause it's fun. if i would've been doing any other workout then i probly would've already quit by now. lol
  • i did insanity last year with amazing results! you have to really be motivated and it REALLY helps to have a workout buddy for a workout that intense. i started with slim in 6 which did nothing for me. then i did chalene extreme, which showed some results and is fun if you like to lift weights. i loved insanity! it takes alot of willpower, but worth every drop of sweat!
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    For cardio, it's definitely Zumba... the time flashes by and it's loads of fun.
  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    ZUMBA!!! It's fun & you burn a ton of calories!!!
  • All of Jillian Michaels videos are top notch and I love Jillian Hough's Dance DVDs. You forget you're actually working out when you dance with her.

    I've never tried p90x or insanity. I have a previous knee injury and hear all the pylometrics you do are hard on the joints.
  • My fiancé and i are doing insanity right now (in week 2 currently) and I love it! We were completely out of shape starting it and I already notice a difference. But this isn't for everyone, you definately benefit from having a workout buddy for extra motivation :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Yup me too! I love ZUmba with the Wii.. and might eventually get good enough to go to classes! but I love doing Zumba!

    I also love the elliptical @ the gym.. and the crosstrainer!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    The key is switching it up. My favorite exercise is running because it burns a lot of calories and it is very invigorating. Plus, all you need is a good pair of shoes!

    I also do yoga twice a week and EA Sports Active 2 four times a week. I am looking to start Insanity once I complete the 9 week program on EASA2. I tried it before and made it through 2 workouts haha.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
  • chelcscarbrough
    chelcscarbrough Posts: 45 Member
    I've only ever tried the workouts that a gym offers and a few DVDs. My favorite gym workout is by far the elliptical, but I recently tried a Jillian Michaels DVD and I LOVE it.
  • I love the elliptical at the gym. I am trying to psych myself up to try the Zumba or HipHop Aerobics classes that they offer.
  • I must admit Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred has been kicking my butt this week but I swear by ZUMBA! I love it! Its fun and you can easily burn about 700 calories in 45 mins!
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