Sticking to It

Hi everyone!

I'm 21 F, 5' 7", and I've been trying to lose weight ever since I was a teenager. This past summer, I reached my heaviest weight (170lbs), and I realized that I really do need to change in order to become a healthier self (at least 150lbs, 133lbs would be great). Slowly, I began to fall in love with being active. I've been going to the gym 2-3 times a week, and I occasionally practice yoga. However, my diet sucks. I don't know the number of times I've started over with dieting. I usually start out okay, but I end up binging and then just falling off the tracks. I found this book about eating clean, and I believe that this time around will be different. Using My Fitness Pal will help a lot with the counting, and I'm hoping to stay disciplined because I saw my heaviest, and I'm determined to not look back. I'm starting a new chapter in my life, and I want it to be a healthy one.

Support would be very much appreciated, and I support all of you as well :)

Love & Light


  • Transformer57
    Thats good decision :) Me to started off here in mfp yesterday... i ahve 101 lbs to lose... im up for supporting you :)<3 all the best Add me :D
  • SharRiRi
    SharRiRi Posts: 2 Member
    I suffer the same problem..but what I'm learning this go round is portion control and to add more veggies to my eating. I learned so many meals and snack ideas from youtube from inspiring people who have lost the weight..give that a try if you like. You can add me as well :drinker: