is there any point in doing ab exercises?

Before you've actually lost the weight? I still have about 15-20lbs to lose. If I start working on my abs, will I still be building muscle underneath which will show when the flab has come off? Or should I just wait until I have less stomach flab?

I do a lot of weight lifting so I know those muscles will start to show as the weight comes off so is it the same principle with abs?? Sorry if this sounds really dumb! lol thanks in advance for any answers.


  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    Yes, you won't really be gaining muscle but you'll be strengthening the muscle you have and end up with more definition once you lose the fat.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Squatting and dead lifting is the only ab exercises you need nice abs.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Squatting and dead lifting is the only ab exercises you need nice abs.

    There are some other functional exercises one can do, but, essentially I agree with the above. For a beginner there MIGHT be some benefit to doing some isolated ab work just to help build a foundation, but I feel like like most focused ab work is not an effective use of your exercise time.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Squatting and Deadlifting won't specifically help anyone to hold an L-sit?
  • Get at least an hour of moderately intense cardio per day to help burn calories. Walking, running, cycling and swimming are popular options, or do a little of everything to stave off boredom and challenge your body in new ways. try any of this
  • Splooiemello
    Splooiemello Posts: 5 Member
    Strong core equals stronger lifts on squats and dead lifts. Granted both those compound lifts will work your core over time, to a flat out beginner the weak core will catch up before maxing out on squat potential.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    - so would you say it is worth doing specific core exercises in order to improve your DL and SQs?

    My main focus for my own activities would be an L-sit and the ability to push down with the arms on the floor from a seated position, lift the legs and butt off the floor and swing the legs through into a plank position. I cant see that squats and deadlifts would help specifically with this so I would say depending on the core functionality a person needs, there is a point in doing ab exercises, but if it is just a general core strength that is required, DLs and SQs would be sufficient.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I am a proponent of doing core focused exercises. Not necessary crunches, but L-sits, front levers, bridges, hanging leg raises etc.
  • solsi6
    solsi6 Posts: 14
    Before you've actually lost the weight? I still have about 15-20lbs to lose. If I start working on my abs, will I still be building muscle underneath which will show when the flab has come off? Or should I just wait until I have less stomach flab?

    I do a lot of weight lifting so I know those muscles will start to show as the weight comes off so is it the same principle with abs?? Sorry if this sounds really dumb! lol thanks in advance for any answers.

    Depends on what you want. Men ususally want the brutal-looking, bulging abs like that of rybo. Women often just want a flat stomach. Ab exercises will burn little calorie and will contribute little towards the flat belly goal. You need to concentrate more on calorie burning if you want to go flat on there.
  • Strong abs will pretty much make you better at everything =)
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I don't do abs work unless I am really lean but I do get enough of it from big compounds llifts
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Strong abs will pretty much make you better at everything =)

    I'm being picky, but I always like to mention that doing "ab exercises" does not necessarily lead to "strong abs" and "strong abs" does not necessary mean "strong core".

    People have a tendency to spend way too much time on crunches, planks,etc, and not nearly enough on glutes, rotation, anti-rotation, functional stability/control, etc. I think a standing military press is probably a better "core" exercise than crunches--and I KNOW that a single leg Romanian deadlift is better.