Yoga - Weight Loss

Hi everyone,

I'm new so be gentle with me :-D I know this is gonna be one of "those" questions but I would like to know for sure; can yoga aid weight loss? I only started yesterday with a beginner video on YouTube (20 mins) and I did feel so much better afterwards and much calmer - food was the last thing on my mind so perhaps it helps in that sense...I just wondered what other people thought about this please?

Thanks and Namaste xx


  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I think out will depend on what type of yoga you are practicing. For me, it helps keep me limber and flexible, so that I'm better able to do regular cardio exercises. Without it I had the back and hips of a 90 year old, and my muscles were so tight I could barely walk.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I would not say that yoga helps with weight loss. However it does help me feel better physically and mentally. And I think that makes it easier for me to stay on track. Sadly I have not made the time to do yoga for several months...Maybe I can start again tomorrow. I have a beginner video that I really like and it only takes 16 minutes.
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    It didn't really help with weight loss per se, but after starting from scratch I looked a lot better in less than a month.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Calorie deficit helps with weight loss.

    Exercise is for fitness. Yoga is a fantastic and progressive physical system* that can make you awesome. Who doesn't want to be awesome?

    *obvs ignoring it's spiritual aspects for the purposes of this post.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    If doing yoga helps you make better food choices, keep at it. Your calorie deficit is what will give you your weight loss.

    So, how many calories does yoga burn? "In 2005 and 2007, two separate studies measured the metabolic rate of people taking a beginner yoga class and found a calorie burn of 2.3-3.2 calories per minute, about the same calorie burn as strolling through the mall--or about 104-144 calories in a 45 minute workout. - See more at:

    One other thing mentioned in the article above- people who do yoga consistently can actually lower their metabolism by 15% (they become more efficient). This is not a reason to skip on the yoga. I'm sure that this can be counteracted with other workouts (strength training, cardio).
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Calorie deficit helps with weight loss.

    Exercise is for fitness. Yoga is a fantastic and progressive physical system* that can make you awesome.
    Who doesn't want to be awesome?

    *obvs ignoring it's spiritual aspects for the purposes of this post.

    Second the bolded.
  • cahf
    cahf Posts: 137 Member
    The thing that got me convinced that I could lose the weight was a yoga journal issue (I think April 2014) on yoga for weight loss. What they said is that it isn't the calories burned doing yoga, but the extra awareness that you bring to eating (as well as the rest of your life). I have found it to be true for me - in the last 8 weeks I have not eaten "mindlessly" once. I don't think yoga in and of itself is a cure all, but for me I have found that it has helped me be much more calm and aware about food. I made it to the fridge at work the other day to get a greek yogurt mid-afternoon but then I stopped and realized I wasn't actually hungry, I was sleepy. I'm not sure I would have done that before incorporating yoga more into my life (1 class/week, at least 3 days at home even if it is only 10 minutes). This is only my experience, and I'm only 8 weeks in, but I wanted to share. Good luck!
  • BigCurvyWife
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and advice. Very helpful. I'm hoping that the yoga will help me emotionally (I'm a comfort eater) and will help me to be mindful about what I put into my body. Thank you all and Namaste xx
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    I have to agree that yoga has me more mindful of my body. The calories burned generally range from 100-150, just depends on my session. Must admit calories burned was the reason I started. Seemed to be an easy way to burn calories in morn X seven days. But turns out for me the flexibility and lessen joint pain is top benefit.
    I started twice a week and am now doing seven days.
    I have one class a week, which helps me as I can get instruction. Rest of week I use utube instructions or dvd's. Presently doing DDP yoga. Switching up always brings new moves and new flexibility.
    I equate it to a healthy vanity. I enjoy the improvements it brings to my body and in turn I feed the body with more thought. I listen to it ( The body) more.