HELP! No results with the 30 day Shred 25 days in ?

Hi, I have been doing the shred for 25 days now and only 5 to go, but I am not seeing results.

Only change is a 2lb loss ( that is through watching my eating and I was losing before starting this anyway) No inch loss or anything.

Feel like I dont want to bother carrying on now.
Am I the only one with no results with this?


  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    I am not very familiar with the 30 day Shred, but i assume it is a workout routine. They say "you can't out exercise a bad diet". I think the workout routine is a great way to burn extra calories, but you also have to make sure you are eating the right number of calories.

    Like you said, you lost 2 lbs before you started due to watching what you were eating. If you watch what you eat AND do the exercise program, that will be a big boost for your weightloss. Working out does not give you a free pass on what you can eat.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weight loss is 80% diet. How has your diet been?
  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    The first step to to work out the calories you should be consuming per day for weight loss:

    The second is to ensure you are logging and weighing all food and liquid accurately using a scale that measures in grams.

    These two steps alone, if followed correctly, will allow weight loss, baring any medical issue.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    With no loss the question might be how do you feel? Do you feel better physically?
  • diana_maddo
    diana_maddo Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the replies,

    My diet isn't amazing, But I have lost a stone (14lb) doing what i'm doing (not going over a certain amount of calories) and have been continuing to do so throughout the shred. (I lost the 2lb during the shred, but that was due to my calorie counting anyway)

    So my diet alone was already giving me weight loss, this was supposed to give me a boost lol. I was hoping to lose inches, or at least my jeans to fit better :( . Just wondered if I was the only one not to see results lol.
  • salenar2014
    salenar2014 Posts: 24 Member
    I did 30ds last year and also lost no weight, I even gained about 4 pounds but I toned alot! My opinion is that if your goal is weight loss, 30 day shred may not be the best workout.
  • romi3772
    romi3772 Posts: 18 Member
    I did it and my niece did the Super Shred. I lost 13 lbs and she lost 11. She is smaller but we are not slim by any means. The book does state the smaller you are the less weight you will lose. To me the book was a great help in aiding me to eating healthy meals throughout the day and it was a great motivation because I did it with a group.

    Try measuring your fat loss more so than weight if you decide to do it again.

    Great expectations on your journey.
  • skeen090
    skeen090 Posts: 49 Member
    I have done the 30 Day Shred for a total of 4 times now. The first two times that I did it, I lost very slowly, but I lost. I took a few days off before starting again and ended up losing a total of 8 lbs. A majority of it came of on the days I rested afterwards. The very same thing happened to me the second time I did it - the weight came off slowly and I lost a majority of it on the days I took off afterwards.

    I kept my calories around 1500 on the days that I did the Shred. I drank lots of water. I took pictures. If you aren't taking progress pictures, I highly suggest you start. When I started the 30 DS, I had no real intentions of losing weight. I didn't believe that it would work for me because a lot of things don't. It wasn't until I started taking weekly pictures that I noticed my progress.

    My suggestion is to start taking weekly progress pictures and to keep at it. Good luck with your progress! :)
  • loriebahde
    loriebahde Posts: 30 Member
    i know a lot of people start the shred and do it everyday. it is very important that your muscles get rest. i would suggest to anyone that does the shred or any routine, that you should rest . do not do it daily. i did the first level everyday for ten days and nothing. then level two every other day. in two weeks i have really noticed a change in my waist. the shred it not intended to be done daily according to jillian micheals web site. three to four times weekly= every other day. on the days i don't do shred i am running or doing cardio. i have seen the toning.
  • I tried the shred a few months ago and did not have noticeable physical results even though I was monitoring my eating. I did feel great from exercising but the lack of results was disappointing. I recently started again and this time I've noticed results after completing the first level. Lost almost 5lbs and I'm not a large person. The one change I made is using heavier weights. Maybe that will help you too?
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    30DS is like 22-24 minutes long. Yes, it is a good workout for your heart and core (mostly body weight resistance, with some dumbbells thrown in) but 22 minutes is not going to help much with weight loss. I think my HRM said I burned about 200 calories during those workouts, which isn't much.

    If you want to build muscle, and in turn raise your BMR, you should consider HEAVY lifting. I love New Rules of Weightlifting for Women (book). I also do about 30 minutes of cardio 3x a week and try to get 10,000 steps a day on my pedometer.