Late Night Cravings & Hubby are Becoming my Downfall!

eightpaws77 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I'm pretty new to this site & although I haven't really had any success yet, I've been able to identify where my weaknesses are; I'm able to stay strong & stick to my plan throughout the day, but seem to crash & burn in the evening (turning to snacking......) & I hate to say it, but my hubby, who could really benefit from sticking to the program with me. Instead he comes home with "treats". Arg! I know that he's not trying to sabotage me, it's just that we ate "that" way for so long........any ideas, suggestions? Especially for the late night cravings!


  • I maintain a stock of "emergency" snacks for when you're going to snack anyway and you just don't want to go too far. Orville Redenbacher Smartpop popcorn - whole bag! about 300 calories. Arctic Zero ice cream - whole pint! 150 calories. Apples, 2 or 3 of them! a few hundred. Have a cup of black beans with some sour cream - around 300 calories. All of these things are very filling, make you feel like you got a treat, but don't kill the budget.

    Good luck!
  • I agree...I eat the apples, which mine are 130 calories each, or I will have a half or third of a candy bar. I actually had 1/3 package of m&m's last night, which was 21 of them, and I had like 80 calories.
  • Another great snack is celery dipped in hummus! I especially love the Garlic hummus...Celery is a VERY low calorie food too! Good luck!
  • Talk to the hubby. Let him know that eating better means a lot to you and that you appreciate him bringing you stuff, but that you'd like him to help support you in getting healthier :)

    And I second the emergency snacks. Figure out some healthy snacks that you enjoy and that you know you'll eat. Maybe that's some flavored yogurt or some trail mix with a few chocolate chips in it. Sometimes I melt some blueberries into a goo to put on a half cup of ice cream for the boyfriend, and have mixed berries with a little agave nectar on them for me. Or my real guilty pleasure: a tablespoon or 2 of peanut butter, eaten really slowly off of the spoon! Find out what works for you and rope the hubby in to support.
  • me and my hubby are the same way, trying to get him on board with this life change is a challenge but there is hope, he still has his snacks, for me it just takes will power to say no. i usually say to myself i am not going to blow my caolries for the day on a cookie, etc. i love special K chocolate delight cereal at night for a snack. it has what i usually crave which is chocolate. sometime i might eat a yoplait lemon creme pie yogurt instead. u just have to find a snack that does not blow your daily intake and makes u happy. just say no to the hubby snacks, its hard but you can do it!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    At least switching treats over to the daytime would be better, because you´d have a chance to burn them...
    Say you´ll eat whatever it is tomorrow. Or at least start off saying that you only want a morsel, or half-of-one...
    And when you find the courage, "No!"
    Check out my blog
    As for the actual craving or hunger, are you getting enough fiber/protein throughout the day?
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    1 Wedge Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese + 6 Rosemary & Olive Oil Triscuits = Amazing

  • lapori
    lapori Posts: 3
    Obviously talking to him would be BIG.... but when I got those cravings, I drink some tea & have an almond thin cookies, even the chocolate covered ones (yummy) are 20 calories a piece so between the warm drink & sweet cravings, I am usually good

    or berries & fatfree cream works as well
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Put it on paper! Whenever I have an issue that I have either verbally said before, or find difficult to get out the way I want to, I put my thoughts down on paper and give that to him.

    I would write out a one page "contract" explaining how important your health goals are to you and ask for his promise to help you acheive those goals with his support. Outline that he does not have to change anything, this is purely for YOU. Your first item should be that he NOT snack in front of you in the evening.

    My husband was always a cronic night snacker so I asked him to lock himself in the bathroom to snack in the evening so it would not tempt me. He thought that was gross (which was entirely the point) so has weaned off of this habit in his support for me.

    Unless you are diabetic or have not eaten enough you should try not to eat 2 to 3 hours before bed regardless of what the food is.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    1 Wedge Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese + 6 Rosemary & Olive Oil Triscuits = Amazing


    SO GOOD! I have never been able to only eat 6 triscuits though. LOL!
  • This could be me but my hubby works offshore so for 2 weeks I can loose 7lbs then he comes home n cracks open the wine and cooks for 4 (no kids!) and it all goes back's taken me so long to get him to cook I don't want to put him off...
  • I'm new also. From a mans point of view stick to it no matter what. Show him you have the willpower. Take the snack tips everyone is giving. Maybe go to bed earlier. One of my problems was that I was staying up to late. And the fullness from supper
    was waring off. You can do this!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    Ah yes, the happy treat bringer. In my family, that used to be me. But you know what? Over time I realized that what we were eating could cause me and my beloved husband to have to endure awful awful diseases - weeping lower leg ulcers that never heal and get infected and smell and ooze, a really really painful heart attack leaving either one of us suddenly alone, a terrible mind disease that makes you incapable of speaking but you can feel everything that happens to you. Yes, that is what too much of that stuff can get you. These are real symptoms of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes. Yes, they can be very awful. So I started to show my love for my husband in creating healthy and delicious meals and working out with him. You are given to each other by God to take care of each other, would someone else do a better job? Honestly, that is what motivates me. I want to keep him around AND make him happy. If they could bottle exercise it'd be the number one antidepressant, and eating right is the best way to prevent bad diseases from happening. Yes, chronic conditions can be treated,controlled, but they cannot be cured. The best thing we can do is prevent them. These are my motivational anecdotes if they work for you great, if not, please disregard. WIsh you the best!
  • bigcurt61
    bigcurt61 Posts: 51 Member
    Definitely talk to your husband... Also have your emergency snacks in mind. Emergency snacks that help me out are: Krema natural peanut butter 1 Tbsp 100 cal (low sugar & good fat), Pop secret 100 cal snack bag, Planters Cashews 160 cal (good fat source), Natural apple sauce, a banana, banana chips and apple chips (I don't eat all these at one time, I'll normally have 1 of these). Also try drinking 8-12 oz of water straight then wait 30 minutes and see if you're still hungry. Keep in mind you can't always change anther persons behavior, but we can always adapt and overcome in pursuit of a healthier you :-)
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Tell hubby to stop. That they way to help you is to not bring it into the house.

    Along those lines, get anything you are binging on/over eating out of the house. I prefer to put waste in the garbage can and not on my body.

    If you're hungry late at night, eat another meal. I don't eat by the clock. I listen to my body and eat when it tells me to.

    If you're eating for reasons other than hunger, you're not giving yourself what you really need. If you're tired, sleep. If you're bored, do something you find fun. If you're sad, cry. If you seek comfort, give it to yourself. Food is a weak substitute for what you really want in these situations.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204 Member
    One of my favorites is a tablespoon of chocolate chips.. eaten slowly they kill my chocolate craving at night for 70 calories.. Some ones I get (gluten/dairy free) are 70 calories for 2 TBS. put one in my mouth at a time and let them melt while relaxing... Thats one of my favorite tricks.... ;)
  • In my case it was my wife that would bring home the late night snacks. And stock the house with fattening food. I tried time and time again to talk to her. It didn't work. She told me I needed to have the willpower. My doctor told me about this site and I'm doing this on my own. His two nurses use this site.They showed me how to use the site and are a great support. You can do this!
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