Holiday binge week - weight gain

I've recently just got back off a holiday abroad for a week where I spent everyday outside my normal diet zone, eating a horrific amount of junk food. Although I'm not punishing myself over it as it's something that happens once in a blue moon.
However, the issue remains - I have managed to gain 7 pounds because of it. Can I have some helpful tips and advice on how to get back to my normal weight ASAP?
Whilst I would just normally just go back to my normal eating habits I have a fashion show in about 3/4 weeks and I really don't want to be sporting a post-holiday food baby. Would doing a detox of some sort help me shed the weight faster?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :smile:


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It's probably mostly water weight, if you could cut back on carbs that would help. Drink lots of water with lemon for bloat.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Seven pounds in a week is going to be mostly water weight and extra "stuff" in the digestive system. Most of that will slough off pretty quickly once you go back to your normal diet. You could go on a mild (1 lb a week or so) calorie deficit to lose the rest.
  • cottonta1l
    cottonta1l Posts: 33 Member
    Don't panic, just go back to your regular eating habits and it'll fall off pretty quickly. Usually when that happens to me I'll be back to normal within a week or two because it's mostly water weight from excess carbs and salt. Drink plenty of water, get some tough workouts in, walk around, sweat.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I am going to assume this is a serious post, despite your first post asking about fast weight loss and whether or not a detox will work.

    Unless you ate an extra 24,500 calories on top of your BMR, you did not gain 7lbs of fat.

    Drink water, return to your normal eating habits, and burn your normal amount of calories. Most likely it is water weight.
  • meganscarlet
    meganscarlet Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all so much this is really helpful! I will take all your advice and just go back to my normal eating habits, but try and get in a few extra HIIT routines or something. Thank you all!