Trying to lose weight in college

In high school i was a 3 sport athlete and played sports in the summer. i was in great shape and very muscular. Once i got to college and wasn't playing sports my once athletic body started to change. I no longer need my soccer and basketball muscle and sprinter calves, and a lot of it is turning to fat. My goal is to try and lose the fat, especially in my thighs, and slim down the muscle in my legs. Any advice?


  • Hmm I played almost every sport in high school. I joined intramural volleyball and soccer when I got to college to try to keep up my HS body, but it just wasn't as intense and didn't quite cut it. Plus with alcohol everywhere and the dining hall food and snacking... That's where I gained. I'm doing much better going into my 3rd year of university... You just have to actually go to your school gym and try to avoid the keg at parties. I know its hard and I don't think a lot of people understand the temptation. Freaking UT has a wendy's thats open til 4 IN the dorms for freshman to walk down and eat at all hours. Its crazy. But you can do this! Its all about the discipline.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I lost 20 pounds in my senior year of college (gained it back and then some, but that's another story), but you just have to make a plan. I hate the gym, so I walked and did workout dvds. It's difficult because for a lot of people, you're on your own for the first time and able to make all of your own decisions. Go grocery shopping. Step back from fast food (Wendy's nuggets are a weakness for me then and now). Step back from the alcohol (this was extremely easy for me, I'm not a drinker at all, not even social). You can go out, but drink water. I know that's not what you want to do in college, but it will make a difference.

    Good luck. Just remind yourself that your health is more important than that big mac or beer. And if you watch yourself during the week, you can loosen up some during the weekend. It's all give and take.