I'll tell you my goals & you tell me yours...

mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So I'm sure everybody in here has their own goals of what they hope to accomplish here on MFP...so I thought I begin by sharing mine...I'm 29 yrs old & I'll be 30 in November..so I want to be able to lose 40 lbs by then to celebrate my birthday feeling great & looking better & most important healthier...my second goal after I accomplish the weight loss is to get toned...& build fitness so I can hike up Yosemite's Half Dome...I've hiked on Yosemite for 5 yrs almost every year but never up there...& I would love to see the view from up there...


  • Just turned 30, and I hit 150 and that was IT!

    I want to lose 20 lbs by....whenever. Just wanna do it the healthy way. Five down,15 more to go!

    Good luck with your goals! :-)
  • I am a 27 year old mother of 3. I have so many goals I want to accomplish on this journey. My first mini-goal was to be 275 by the end of January, and I reached that today!!! My next goal is to 250 lbs by March 22, my 28th birthday.

    I want to be able to walk into a store in the mall and not feel bad because I can only shop in the plus size section and all the pretty clothes are in the regular size section.

    I want to be at 225 before my class reunion in May...It's my ten year and I don't want to be the one who's gotten fat since high school...
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    My ultimate goal is 135 lbs, but I'm hoping to make it to 150 lbs by my 26th birthday (May 28th). I hope to be close to 130 by August for my husband's 34th birthday. =)
  • I hit 35 yo and 333 lbs. Had a horrible time this summer when I took my nieces and nephews to a local park to play and decided that was it. I wanted to be able to run and play with them because the oldest is 11 yo and I have been heavy his entire life.

    I am 11 lbs away from my first goal of 295 which will put me under 300 lbs for the first time in about 10 years.

    I am also hoping some of this kinda rubs off on hubby and he starts doing better with his weight.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    My ultimate goal is to get pregnant and have a health pregnacy.

    That being said I would liek to lose 5-6 more pounds (total of 15) before I see the firtiliy specalist again next month.

    if I don't get pregnant I want to lose a total of 30lbs by My 3rd Anniversary on June 7th (207 lbs)
    i want to be under 200 by the 4th of July
    my goal weight is currently 150.

    i have a ton of goal yoga poses too! but I won't list them out.

    Good Luck achieving your goals :)
  • I would love to say a goal weight of 140, but honestly, I care more about how I look and feel. If I can get into a size nine jeans (right now on the border of 13/14 and 15/16), I'd be jumping off the roof. I also want a toned body. But I can wait on that because right now I need to get rid of the fat. I would love to look down at my feet and not see this huge Goodyear Tire in the way. I want more than anything to see that gone. That thing is the most disgusting thing on me. And it's hung around way too long..
  • To be my goal weight by March when my husband gets back from deployment!! I'm only about 10 pounds away...but time is running out!
  • thebomb4
    thebomb4 Posts: 59 Member
    Go Juju!! :)

    I'm 26 and heading to Australia in April for a 3 week holiday with my lovely boyfriend (10 weeks to go and counting!) I have 8kg I want to shift before then. I lost 10kg within 3 month last year and it seemed so much easier but maybe I was more strict?? I'm finding it harder to shift the remaining 8kg but its coming off slowly. My goal is to give in on crash diets etc and work on being healthier.

    Juju I'm the same as you, once I've lost the weight I want to work on toning and be able to run my yearly 10km races but without feeling like I'm gonna pass out when I cross the finish line which is what has happened the past 2 years haha.

    Good luck to everybody else with their goals!

  • I am 33 and hit my highest weight of 174 after the holidays. I'm 5'7", so I can feel good in a bikini at 140. (and look pretty good, too) My boyfriend and I both started our diets on Jan.10th. My current weight this morning was 168! I exercised Mon and Tues and am hoping to exercise 5 days a week from here on out. I've been counting calories/ doing low carb/high protien foods. I'm trying to stay under 1,200 calories and eat nothing but healthy food. My biggest downfall is eating poorly on the weekends! My goal is to be 140 by my birthday on July31st! (or before)
  • lheath2382
    lheath2382 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all! I will be turning 29 in a little over a week and hopefully by this time next year i've dropped 45lbs and have stuck to the healthy side of the line! I just began getting serious and so far its been hard and I'm only on day 2!!! :sad: I feel like I'm having to drag myself kicking and screaming down the first stage of my path, lol. But i keep coming back to this site and reading everyones amazing stories and I feel less alone so that helps! Thanks to all and good luck!
  • My goal is to lose 70lbs. I walk 6 to 7 miles a day and keep my calories under 1200 to 1400 a day. I dont weigh myself but every week or two. My long term goal is to continue this for years to come. Over the last 3 months, I've changed the foods I eat by 95% . Ive finally learned how to read the labels on boxes and what to look for. I shop almost only for whole grains, high fiber, low fats, low sugars and lower proteins.

    Even when snack now, and I'm over calories, I don't feel bad. I look at my long term goals and how I eat normally and think I'm doing it right now. It should all just fall into place.

    MFP really has helped set me up for success. I will weigh next week and see my progress. I'm excited.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    My ultimate goal is to get back down to my marraige weight (127), by my 10th wedding anniversary (6/30/11). After having 4 kids that will be a huge accomplishment for me!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My most concrete goal is to weigh 150 for my 20th HS reunion this year. I'd like to lose 10 more lb. after that to maintain my weight closer to 140, but another goal of mine is to journal my food accurately and give the new WW PointsPlus plan a shot. I think it lines up pretty closely with MFP's recommendations, but I like the MFP journal better than the WW ones.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Name is Mindy, I'm 22. At my heaviest I was 215. My goal is to be at 175 in time for my wedding in April. That'd put me back into a size 11 jeans. (currently in 15). My ultimate goal is to be healthy, and no longer worry about being borderline diabetic. A healthy BMI puts me at 150. I'd love to be the size 8 I was in high school by summer... Hard to believe that was only 5 years ago!!! Ugh.

    And like anyone, I'd like it to be toned weight loss.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Thank you for sharing I hope that you reach your goals...because that's what MFP is all about...so we can motivate each other
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    My main goal is to tone up and just be healthier, to lose 4 or 5 kilo would be great but i really just want to get a lot fitter. Im climbing mount Kilimanjaro this year with my boyfriend and uncle. My litle cousin has chrones disease so we are doing it for his charity. I want to be able to do the climb without holding the otehrs back and also i want to enjoy it.

    I enjoy my food and ofcourse the odd G&T and some wine but i always overdo it. I just cant say no, my will power is non existant. I really have to work on choosing healthy alternatives and cutting out the binge on alcohol at the weekends. I manage to cut out all chocolate, cakes and cookies for 6 weeks every year for Lent so why cant i do it the rest of the time??

    Hopefully with everyones support my goals will be easy!

    Good Luck to everyone with their goals too! :)
  • jenblwr
    jenblwr Posts: 53
    I'm 36, and 5ft 6in..currently weigh 152lbs (my heaviest was over xmas when I got to 160lbs). Up until about 3 years ago, I had always been a "skinny minnie"...even after having 3 kids - I was one of those annoying people who could eat what they want and still stay a size 8 (uk).. then I met my fiance and started to put on weight - everyone around me says it's cos I'm happy, and that I look much better now than I did before..and I AM happy - but not with my weight!!

    I have always had really low self esteem and a bad body image, so I've never once in my life actually thought I looked good, or felt attractive - but due in no small part to my fiance, I am gaining in self esteem and body image, and I think if I could get back down to a size 10 (uk)..I might actually feel happy with myself for the first time ever!

    So...that's my goal....to be 130lb max, and feel attractive!! :smile:
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