Complete Frustration!

I found out in April that I am going through menopause at the young age of 41 due to a hysterectomy when I was 30. I actually had my thyroid checked too because I just couldn't lose weight! I was trying to lose the weight I put on while working on my master's degree. (Teaching all day, sitting on my butt at night... not a good combo!)

I heard about myfitnesspal and thought I would check it out. A few years ago I was successful on WW so I thought, "I can totally do this!" I mean, I only gained the weight because of working on my education...surely it would come off quickly. WRONG

Since June, I have put everything that enters my mouth on my phone (where I track my intake). I even put my vitamins on there!

I have been eating my 1310 calories and working out for two months. I have lost a total of 4 lbs. Seriously!?!?! I am feeling desperate. I have never been a big eater in my entire life. I wasn't eating enough calories is why I did the FitnessPal.
I was looking at the HcG diet and with the hair loss information, I will pass. I have great hair and will not sacrifice that for my weight.

I just don't know what else to do. I can follow anything... as long as it works. I am seriously discouraged. HELP!


  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    What's the rush?
  • amandazlong
    amandazlong Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't lost anything in a month. I would love to actually look good for a cruise I am going on with my husband in December.

    I would be happy with a pound a week. I am 220 lbs. I should be losing weight. It would be different if I were not so over weight to begin with.....
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    Are you measuring and weighing EVERYTHING? What do your workouts entail? As a post menopausal woman, I can tell you it is harder but not impossible.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm curious as to where you got the 1310 calories/day. I did a quick check at but don't know your height so I put in 5'5' but at 220, I calculated (TDEE - 20%) at around 1600 calories/day. I guessed at activity level so your numbers may vary.

    As for perimenopause, it happens. Some months you lose, some you gain, some you stay the same. However, it seems to me that you should have lost more than 4 lbs by now. Has anyone ever mentioned the possibility that you might have PCOS or insulin resistance? That would explain a lot. You might have to change your macros to reduce carbohydrate intake and increase protein. Note: I am not advocating low carb, Atkins, Paleo or any other such thing.

    A trip to the endocrinologist and then a dietician might be in order.
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    If you make your diary public, I will look through to see if there is anything glaringly off with your program. otherwise, good advice above... dr, then dietician. hope you figure it out.
  • amandazlong
    amandazlong Posts: 5 Member
    I am measuring, but not weighing. I guess I could but a scale and see if that makes a difference. If I have a Schwans Tilapia Loin then I just choose 1. I don't weigh it.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • amandazlong
    amandazlong Posts: 5 Member
    I was wondering if I should maybe try to eat less fruit, more veggies.
    Right now I am snacking on a bell pepper and hummus. :)

    I got my calories from MyFitness Pal. I put my weight (220) and that my activity is light (during the summer since I teach). I put that I would like to lose 2 lbs per week. Even if that isn't realistic, I figured that I could maybe lose 2 lbs every two weeks. I don't think that is too crazy.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    You only have 40 pounds left to lose, so 1-1.5 a week is a more realistic target for you. Change your settings to that, and YES get a digital scale. This one is great and is less than $15

    Read these two posts as well.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Yeah it all adds up to more than you think sometimes. I found out when I got a scale that I was over estimating what I was eating by a lot sometimes.
    A scale is a good tool.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    There are going to be a lot of ups and downs and changes and low spots and successes and failures along the way. You will find yourself adjusting your beliefs about food and eating, exercise, virtually every aspect of your approach to getting healthier. I would say just go easy on yourself, count your calories and don't completely change your diet overnight in an attempt to eat more perfectly. I lost 76 pounds, gained back 60+ and am now on my way back down. The important thing is you keep learning, pay attention to your body, indulge your desires once in a while and come back after a binge or other setback. I had a binge that lasted for a year and I'm back. Good luck!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Yep, get a scale, weigh everything.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Weighing everything I eat makes the difference between losing weight or not for me. Please try a couple of weeks when you weigh everything. It might fix your problem.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    I haven't lost anything in a month. I would love to actually look good for a cruise I am going on with my husband in December.

    I would be happy with a pound a week. I am 220 lbs. I should be losing weight. It would be different if I were not so over weight to begin with.....

    One lb a week is actually quite a big loss as well. If you're doing it the healthy and sustainable way it's going to come off at a slower rate (but it will stay off because you're making life changes that you can keep up for the rest of your life). I'm only losing about an average of 0.2 to 0.5 lbs a week. It stinks a little but it all adds up in the end.

    Also, fruits vs veggies isn't really an issue (unless you're eating vast amounts of fruits). Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be. Calories in vs calories out. No foods are bad, just some have lower calorie counts than others that allow you to eat more things in a day. I eat chocolate on a weekly (sometimes daily!) basis and I'm still losing. Albeit, I'm losing more slowly, but it's without sacrificing foods I love.

    Head to the doctor to get your levels checked out and start weighing your foods. You're either eating bigger portions than you're estimating, or you've got an underlying issue. As long as you're truly in a calorie deficit you'll lose weight - even if it is slower than you would like.
  • I am postmenopausal and have a hard time to drop weight too. One thing I found out is that I have to cut out all bread, cookies, cakes and more or less everything with flour. The main problem for me is that I eat too much of it when it is around. Flour and corn and soy is all genetically altered and obviously the stuff is designed to make us addicted.
    The other thing I found out is that I am eating too many fruits. I love fruits and I thought I could eat as much as I want but since I am recording everything on myfitnesspal I find out that the calories add up much too quickly. I am 5'4 and weigh at the moment 132, which is way too much for me. I feel best around 115, but it is getting really difficult to get there.

    I do not want to take hormones, but I find that it helps if I am physically very active. I took up road biking and I really love it. Of course I am retired and I have all the time to go biking as much as I want, but I would highly recommend that you take up some activity you really like which keeps you moving. I always hated the word workout. We have to work so much in life, these activities should be fun and not work. I also am a big believer in Yoga.
  • mrslaurajjones
    mrslaurajjones Posts: 2 Member
    have you had a full physical & had your hormones, thyroid & basic vitamin levels checked to see if you have defiencies? I was having problems losing (I'm 41 also) and found out my hormones were imbalanced which impeded weight loss. I now do hormone replacement (I do bio identitical hormones so no added risks like synthetic). Its really helped me to lose. Its still a slow process for me even working out & eating healthy but getting my body in balance did help.
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I had my hysterectomy 2 years ago at the age of 37 (feel free to add me) it was discouraging at first but now i am losing the weight, I started at 205 and am now down to 182.

    i walk 5k almost daily. i eat pretty well - although i am sure i could do better. but 99% of the time i am under my calorie goal. i am losing about 1.5lbs a week now, and that is fantastic to me.

    the biggest contributor to it all? i bought a food scale. that simple. you have to weigh everything! don't go off measurements unless you have no other choice!
  • amandazlong
    amandazlong Posts: 5 Member
    have you had a full physical & had your hormones, thyroid & basic vitamin levels checked to see if you have defiencies? I was having problems losing (I'm 41 also) and found out my hormones were imbalanced which impeded weight loss. I now do hormone replacement (I do bio identitical hormones so no added risks like synthetic). Its really helped me to lose. Its still a slow process for me even working out & eating healthy but getting my body in balance did help.
    Actually I did go have everything checked out. My hormones were crazy so they put me on a low dose hormone. It has helped with several things, except sleeping lately.

    I think I am going to join a gym because everything I am trying at home, isn't helping much. Maybe I am just expecting too much. I am feeling more tone. .... :smile:

    THANKS EVERYONE! Scale ordered and will be here Friday! :)