Anyone tried WW?

greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Anyone on here tried Weight Watchers? I don't want to leave this site; I'm just curious as to how helpful Weight Watchers can be. Is it any different than this but with points? I love this site & that it's free!

Also, has anyone tried the new workout clothes on the market that supposedly help burn more calories?


  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    I had a WW online account for awhile, but I never went to meetings. I also rarely even used the online tools.. but maybe I just wasn't in the right mindset. As far as I can tell, it's pretty much the same as MFP. And I prefer not having to worry about their point system. Just thinks more complicated for me. :P
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    LOL workout clothes that burn more calories what will they think of next! I tried WW for a little while it didn't work for me, they have changed the program a lot though since then, and I think you have to do what works for you WW teaches the same basic principles, balances nutrients cut back calories, they just do it on a point system. I actually convert most of my own recipes to WW points b/c I have several friends that are doing WW with success and I always like to share when I get a great recipe!
  • I did WW a while back. It seemed like more of a hassle than MFP. You have all the support that WW does, & you don't have to go to meetings! & with MFP, you don't have to calculate the points of everything you eat. MFP does all the calculation for you!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I've done Weight Watchers. I was pretty happy with the program. I lost something like 30 pounds. I did a deal where you got the online support plus unlimited meetings for $40 a month or so. Also, some health insurance companies can get you a discount. Ultimately, I couldn't afford to stick with the program and I gained back most of what I'd lost. But I really don't have anything negative to say about it. They do try to get you to buy a bunch of their stuff every time you go to a meeting, but you don't have to. If you have trouble saying no to sales pitches, it might not be right for you.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I have friends who swear by WW but it's not something I would want to do. I notice that they're constantly focused on their diet, it seems very short term to me. My program here on MFP leaves the decisions up to me. For instance - I occasionally have a piece of pizza and I count it in my daily allotment - but they seem to have no room for "regular food." I don't think it's something I would want to try - but then I have the bad memories of WW back in the 1970's and the daily headache of too little food.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I lost 40 pounds on WW (took me 6 months) It does work, but like anything else, you have to stay with it. For me, I am happier with MFP than WW. It is nice to be able to log on and have everything calculated for me. WW does work. It might be just the thing for you. GIve it a try.:wink:
  • Used WW this time last year and lost nearly 4 stone on the points system. Looking forward to trying out MFP as its calories and sometimes with WW having to remember to weigh everything and then convert to points got quite boring.
  • I lost 30 lbs on WW and have kept it off the past few years. I was very motivated at first, going to meetings and having a group to share with. I then switched to WW online and had little success. I find that MFP works just as well (if not better) that the online version of Weight Watchers (and it's FREE!) However if you need motivation, going to meetings is a great source for that.

    I'm working to lose the last 25 lbs that I could never lose with WW.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I did the WW points system after 3 of my 4 children and I loved it. I ordered the books off of ebay and did it on my own because I could not afford to go to the meetings. I lost all of my baby weight on WW. One of my students told me about MFP and that it was free, so I decided to try it. It has been the easiest weight loss program I have ever followed and I love it!
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks so much for the input! I had no interests in going to meetings, but I did consider the online program for WW. I thought it might be less to think about with points, but it sound like more having to convert. Usingh MFP has worked for the past year for me. I'm just a little frustrated because I gained some weight this winter & I'm barely shedding. I realize I'm just being impatient with myself. It helps to know this site is just as good & even better that it is free!! :bigsmile:
  • I actually just cancelled my membership to WW because I was using both MFP and their etools to keep track and I got tired of double tracking. Plus with the change of their plan, you can't really just go shopping and know how many points something is anymore. You have to have one of their calculators to configure the points. And I was finding that their database of foods was limited and not always consistent. They have a lot of mistakes in their books they just printed and it seems their online tracking tools are not quite completely accurate either. MFP has a lot more choices in their database and to me it is just easier. Plus it being free helped make my decision to cancel my $40/mth WW membership. Of course online is not quite that expensive, but in the past I had to go to the meetings to be successful. This time it just wasn't working and I was wasting my money.
  • KellyS0828
    KellyS0828 Posts: 32 Member
    Done WW before several times. It works, but is basically the exact same as this website, except this site is free. You just have to weigh-in in front of one of the leaders at the WW meetings. Just so they can ask, "Oh no, what happened?" when you gain 1lb. (Yet they are the size of my calf) Lady, I'm fat, obviously I like to eat. That's what I felt like telling her. If you need to be accoutable to be successful, weigh-in with people at work or something. That's what we do.
  • I lost the majority of my weight with WW but I went to meetings (the ladies behind the desk weighing you in had to be members at some point to work there).
    CC & tracking points are basically the same thing. Some people just need that extra structure :)
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