Sweet tooth and no will power

Guilty post...
My sweet tooth is ruining my healthy diet! The people in my group office often bring in yummy sweets and I just can't help myself. Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my will power? Any tricks on breaking my sweet tooth?


  • LoveHealth7
    The only thing I can think of is to look for healthier sweeter snacks and not to deprive yourself. I saw on Pinterest a really cute looking snack, apple sandwiches, here is the link: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipe/apple-sandwiches-granola-and-peanut-butter It's made with granola and peanut butter, but you could try a bit of shredded coconut, some chocolate chips, get creative and have fun with it.

    I think if we deprive ourselves we want more so tell yourself even a small something sweet a day is ok, and choose something you love. And savour and enjoy. Also, you can try to buy/make sugar free desserts, using sweetener. (There are natural sweeteners too like honey).

    I'm sure there's more to be said about this, I hope you get some better replies.
  • catcalledjinx
    I have developed an unhealthy relationship with coffee and cake. I allow myself the treat quite often, however, I swap it for either breakfast or lunch. This way, I have been able to enjoy my coffee and cake several times a week and still been successfully losing weight (slowly) for the last 18 months.

    Good luck.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    What could we possibly do to prevent you from doing something? Come on now.
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    I try not to deprive myself of anything but have really had to come to terms with portion size v calories.

    what has helped me is my Heart Rate Monitor - if I look at how hard I have to work to burn off the equivilant calories of I piece of toast or 1 slive of cake then it makes me really think about how much do I want to eat it????

    sometimes the answer is yes I don't care I want to have the chocolate bar and I have it and log it but then if I havnt lost and im working my butt off in the gym then it makes me look back on that cake/chocolate/extra piece of toast and realise that it probably wasn't worth it
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Mints, gum
    Mint tea
    Log the food before you eat it ( log the whole day if you can) then when you realise it will put u over make yourself burn off the calories before eating it.
    Try doing 10 jumping jacks in the office each time you fail and eat something sweet. The shame of doing that should stop it from happening again.
    Or stick some mantras/ inspirational photos on your desk. " on moment on the lips..." Etc

    If you ae set to 1 kg a week then if you eat an extra 350 cals worth of treats each day you wont reach your goal for an extra 3.5 days. Is one piece of cake worth that?
  • flowerbob
    flowerbob Posts: 11 Member
    I feel your pain, I had such a sweet tooth.
    It sounds grim but I honestly found it easier to give up sugar altogether - no cake, no biscuits, no white bread, no alcohol. I've done it several times, and after the first week (and I won't lie, that is a bit of a struggle) I stop wanting it and can say no to cakes and puddings pretty easily.
    After a month or so I can start having the occasional drink or pudding with/after a meal and I'm OK. Usually things go fine for about six months, then life happens and I am mainlining biscuits again.... at which point I have to start over and go 'sugar cold turkey'.
    I'm sure it's different for everyone but that works for me and might be worth a try.