workout with sweater

marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
My son told me that his friends workout with a sweater or more clothes to burn more calories is this true. Should I layer more when I go to the gym?


  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    ya i heard this 2 not sure thou.... any one know?????
  • From research about this before, I believe it makes it so you only lose water weight. You basically sweat more. You don't burn more calories though. I could be wrong. :)
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Oh man, now I am really
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    The best thing to do is to use a heart rate monitor to monitor calories burned and see if it makes a difference. If your heart is beating faster, then yes you are burning more calories. However, I think that working out in a sweater could cause one to overheat easily. I'm not sure this is a good idea. That sweat is fluid lost from your body and needs to be replaced with water. If they are not replacing those fluids, I think they run a dangerous risk of becoming severely dehydrated. Just my opinion.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Sorry, double post.
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    NO because it is only going to cause you to sweat more and become dehydrated which is dangerous! WARM UP clothes are designed to be wore only when you are doing that....warming up! Once your core body temp is elevated you will naturally feel like removing that warm up jacket...listen to your body..I am a certified personal trainer in Massachusetts. Friend me if you wish. GOOD LUCK with your journey, Marian
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i found this on a website.....

    While you are exercising, have you ever wonder whether you are burning more calories if you sweat a lot? Read on to find out more.

    When our body temperature increases, we will sweat to cool off.

    Here are the truth behind sweating and calories burnt:
    ■How much you sweat will not influence on how many calories you burn. What is important is how long and how intense you have been working out. How much you sweat also depends on the air temperature, humidity, gender (man sweats more than woman) and genetics too. If it is hot and humid, you may still sweat just by walking outside.

    this is the website if you would like to check it out for yourself.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    This is something that people like wrestlers do to drop weight really fast to make a weight class (along with things like wearing a trash bag and running around the pool, etc). It's only water weight (and probably makes the sweater pretty nasty, lol). In theory this is water your body needs replaced, so when you do, you'll gain it right back. And be careful not to overheat. Other than that, I think it's up to you. I don't think there's any benefit long term, but if seeing a better number on the scale (before you drink any water back) would motivate you to do more, and you're careful about the overheating issue, I see no harm to anything other than your laundry. Others might have more insight than me though.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My son told me that his friends workout with a sweater or more clothes to burn more calories is this true. Should I layer more when I go to the gym?

    No. That is one of the oldest, most discredited fitness myths out there. It can often be extremely dangerous, but it is NEVER effective.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The best thing to do is to use a heart rate monitor to monitor calories burned and see if it makes a difference. If your heart is beating faster, then yes you are burning more calories. However, I think that working out in a sweater could cause one to overheat easily. I'm not sure this is a good idea. That sweat is fluid lost from your body and needs to be replaced with water. If they are not replacing those fluids, I think they run a dangerous risk of becoming severely dehydrated. Just my opinion.

    No, absolutely not.

    This is one of the prime instances in which a heart rate monitor would be not only completely useless, but it would be dangerous because it might give the ILLUSION that more calories were being expended.

    Heart rate monitors DO NOT MEASURE CALORIES. They measure heart rate. They use equations to estimate calories expended based on heart rate.

    However, those equations are ONLY accurate under certain conditions: steady-state aerobic exercise when heart rate and oxygen uptake are in sync.

    Just because heart rate increases, it does not automatically mean you are burning more calories. In this case, when the increased heart rate is due to thermal stress, it is 100% certain that the heart rate increase does not mean more calories are being expended.
  • Not true but I wear a sweater in spin class because the more I sweat the more I "feel" I am working
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Thank you I will tell my son to tell his friends that it is only water weight. You guy are great. I am off to the gym.
  • The thing about the sweater. My husband had a friend who had a bit of weight on and was told to lose it or he be off the football team. So what he did was put some holes in a black bin liner and put it on under his sweater. He started running and he lost all the weight and more quick smart. ...... But did he smell !
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    LOL he's probably watched too many "Rocky" movies!!
    The only result is dehydration. Boxers body builders etc do it to lose water weight but it's a very temporary effect and dehydration can impair your performance in cardio by up to 20% so you actually train LESS well when you're dehydrated regardless of whether you 'feel' you work harder.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    UFC Fighters use 'Sweat Suits' to lose weight for weigh in days. I personally run in a long sleeve shirt to sweat more ... makes me FEEL like I'm burning more haha
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I couldnt do it... i think i would totally not survive the heat and over-sweating! And i also think it is not true.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I use neoprene workout shortsand belly band when I workout alot of the time. Not only do I get my sweat on but it seems to add some resistance to my workout......squats, squat jacks, plie squats etc....When I sweat more I feel like I am getting all the toxins outta my skin. I do drink about 20-40 oz. of fluid during my workout. I guess we all do what we do to make our workouts feel more productive.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Wear a sweater in the gym? You gotta be kidding me. I can just about manage a sleeveless T-shirt the heat I emit.

    Besides, I want to look like a working out not off to play croquet with Tarquin and Percy...
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Wow--this is like a Zombie Thread---the bad idea that just wouldn't die.

    I thought the whole "sweatshirt make you lose weight" idea was like smallpox--it had been eradicated in the 1970s and there were just a couple of samples stored in a university lab somewhere.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Wow--this is like a Zombie Thread---the bad idea that just wouldn't die.

    I thought the whole "sweatshirt make you lose weight" idea was like smallpox--it had been eradicated in the 1970s and there were just a couple of samples stored in a university lab somewhere.

    HAHAHAHA excellent!! :laugh:
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