I feel so bloated all the time?

I feel like I'm constantly bloated all the time no mater what I eat or how much I exercise..
I've tried cutting out salt as much as I could.. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's normal..


  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 536 Member
    Hard to say. Have you been experiencing whooshes on the scale?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My guess is that you've gone from getting very little fiber to getting a lot of fiber and your body isn't adjusted to that. But that's just a guess based on experience...
  • tjohnoconnor
    tjohnoconnor Posts: 58 Member
    Hard to say without knowing what you eat.
  • I second cwolfman's guess. I too know this from experience.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Find I bloat if I eat un-cooked vegetables like green pepper. Had to stop eating broccoli all together ( caused severe distress)
  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    hows your water intake?
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Trial and error is your best friend. If there are any foods that you find you feel/look more bloated after, trying staying away from them for a couple of days and see if the weight comes down.
    For example, I don't drink anything carbonated because it will literally cause inches worth of change in my stomach; it's just something I've noticed I'm sensitive to. I have a friend who has to really watch which fruits/veggies she eats because certain ones make her feel bloated, while I can eat whatever I want in that department it seems. It really is an individual thing.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Cruciferous vegetables, dairy, salt, hidden sodium in deli meats, beans, high fiber in general: all of these can cause bloating. Lots of water, high water fruits like pineapple and watermelon, some cabbage or tomatoes or cucumbers all help you flush out some of the bloat. I eat beans and cruciferous veggies a good bit, so they don't really affect me that way, but a lot of dairy at once or salt can sure do it!
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    I experienced constant bloat for a long time. That has since changed. First thing I did was cut out gluten. That made a huge difference. Next I realized that whenever I drank water I became bloated. I came to realize that it was because I was keeping my body in a state of slight dehydration because I wasn't drinking enough water. So when I did drink a glass, my body reacted by bloating. Hope this helps.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It verly likely has to do with your food choices. Hard to say without access to your food diary.

    Have you made any changes in your food choices recently? Maybe there's something you're eating that you have an intolerance to? Maybe you're eating too much fiber without enough healthy fat, water or probiotics to aid digestion?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,303 Member
    This is probably something which will be disparaged but a misbehaving thyroid can cause many and varied problems. I am discovering just how much damage this can actually do.

    I would recommend anyone who might decide to have their thyroid levels tested that they also read up on the subject because it is very controversial even in medical circles. The web site Stop the Thyroid Madness had been a great help to me and might give you the information you need to understand what is going on, and your rights to know what numbers result from your test and what it can all mean before a well intentioned doctor tries to fob you off. Also it is no respecter of age either.

    With medication I can eat wheat and soya products as well as drink tap water these are some of the things which a difficulty in digesting can indicate thyroid issues.
  • jgray14321
    jgray14321 Posts: 49 Member
    If you are talking about stomach bloat, I used to have this problem as well. Eating a cup of non-fat plain Greek yogurt each day has really helped me. I usually mix it with some strawberries and almonds. Also, while this sounds counterintuitive, when I feel bloated I drink a lot of water. That usually helps some. Hope you feel better soon!