Motivation to stick to Slim in 6 DVD workout

Hi :)
I have the Slim in 6 DVD workout set and Im desperate to actually complete it this time but I find motivation is what I lack most and battle to actually stick to it! Its so frustrating because I start off really keen and excited and then as the days go by I get less motivated so was wondering if there was anyone I could chat to, to help me and kick my *kitten* into gear....


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't blame you, it was boring. I'd suggest finding something you like instead, or just doing half the workouts or something. I can't stick to any workout that's longer than 30 minutes anymore.
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    People need good habits, not motivation.

    If you do something long enough you'll do it without any emotional battles attached. Keep doing it until the thought of NOT doing it becomes ridiculous.
  • jlsexson
    jlsexson Posts: 11
    I had a hard time finishing my workout videos for a while too. I do zumba and they range from 45 minutes to 20. I found that I had to just start with something, like if I wasn't feeling motivated I would do the 20 minute workout or I would do 30 of the longer ones. A shorter workout is better that doing nothing :smile: That allowed me to skip dances I didn't like and still get a 30 minute cardio workout. Now, I find my motivation is staying on track, and I feel good working out. Therefore, I do the whole thing. It helps when you see results. Good luck! You can do it. The biggest hurdle is the motivation and believing you can :smile:
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    have you considered trying a different kind of workout instead? It's possible that you're lacking motivation because you don't really enjoy this type of exercise - and there might be something out there that you will like a great deal more.

    I tried a couple of different exercise videos that people raved over, and they just made me want to punch the screen. I don't enjoy workout videos at all - so I found something else to do.
  • Got_Discipline
    Got_Discipline Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah I hear yah I have also been doing the Slim in 6 videos and I was doing great until about week 5. At week 5 for some reason the bottom fell out and I have lost total motivation for the work outs. With only one more week to go I tried to step back a DVD hoping that would get me motivated again but so far no such luck. I like to lift not do endless cardio so if I can make it through the first 35 minutes or so I can finish the work out but here lately I turn it off after about 15 minutes.

    I ordered the Beast body work out because it sounds like it may be more up my alley and I am looking forward to doing that work out.........When ever the hell I get it!

    Move on try something new or only do part of the work out as previously suggested. Most importantly what ever you do don't stop. This is a HARD journey and you really have to push yourself when you don't want to do it. That is how to get your sexy back. Get Off the COUCH and WORK your *kitten* off!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi :)
    I have the Slim in 6 DVD workout set and Im desperate to actually complete it this time but I find motivation is what I lack most and battle to actually stick to it! Its so frustrating because I start off really keen and excited and then as the days go by I get less motivated so was wondering if there was anyone I could chat to, to help me and kick my *kitten* into gear....

    I need variety. I couldn't stand to do the same (set) of DVDs days on end. Continue with Slim.....but just put in something different from time to time.