Coconut Oil



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Hi my name is Anne and id. just like to ask anyones advice on Coconut Oil. I heard it was pretty good stuff so started to use it but i don't feel like it has done anything for me. Should i keep going on it or is it just a waste. If anyone has any views i would be very interested to hear from u and what u think, Thx heaps

    I like and use it, a lot.
    It is oil, and does what it is supposed to do.....

    What more can you ask for? :smile: :smile:
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    Reading all these wacky things people do with it I'm baffled. Call me crazy but I cook with it. Not often because I'm not a big fry guy but if I get an itch for some breaded chicken or shrimp I fry it in coconut oil (we're not talking deep fry, just pan). Same goes for asian dishes. As for any miracle benefits, those are probably BS spread by the same lunatics who are in to juice cleanses and aligning their yin/yangs.

    Nothings worse than having my yin all up in my yang's grill.

    There is some evidence that because coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride, it doesn't behave the same way as your usual saturated fat. But I try to wait until these things are confirmed before I get caught up in the hype.
  • sexytati89
    I use it my my hair as a treatment. It does wonders. Not sure about consumption though.
  • fatboyliz
    fatboyliz Posts: 515 Member
    Great to cook with, for frying, butter substitute etc.

    Salad dressing

    Moisturiser and hair mask

    Oil pulling (like using it as a mouthwash) is meant to be good as it is naturally anti bacterial and obv contains no alcohol (some mouthwashes re notnthat good!)

    Does not need to be kept in fridge, lasts for ages...I love it
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I use it for frying eggs and doing a stir fry ...... in the hot weather I keep it in the fridge .....

    Loads of uses ...... some weird, some reasonable ..... check out for yourself ......
  • thinkbean
    thinkbean Posts: 25 Member
    It's a great moisturizer for sure. Obviously cooking with it is lovely; I find if I want to make vegan pie crust is works really well. I hear it makes a decent deodorant in a pinch, interestingly.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Bulletproof Coffee......I think is where the thought of it, in the coffee came from ;) It's apparently an energy booster.....and well, naturally, so would the high strength coffee be ;)

    That being said, I've tried it, I just wasn't pleased with the 150+ calories of "liquid" for breakfast ;)

    At least 2tbs Kerrygold unsalted grass-fed butter (I like up to 6 tbps, or 80g or 88 ml).
    1-2tbs of MCT oil (15-30 ml)
    2 cups (~453g or 500ml) of hot coffee brewed with low-toxin beans

    But yea, the thought of Oil and Butter in my coffee just don't sound I did try the coconut oil once, but after adding the coconut oil, and a bit of honey, I was over 150 calories for a cup of coffee, vs. 70-80 calorie-ish with a tbsp. of half and half :)

    That being said, Coconut Oil ain't bad, I've sauteed with it.......I also attempt to do oil pulling daily (typically when I wake up, while showering) for 20 minutes.
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    Do you like how it tastes and cooks?
    What oils do you normally use?
    How long have you used coconut oil?
    How were you expecting it to make you feel?
  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    I asked Cardiologists I Worked for about coconut oil and their response was."If you wind up in the ER And we find out you were using coconut oil we will NOT do your angiogram." There was my answer. Not doing it.
  • TMski1000
    TMski1000 Posts: 48 Member
    Coconut Oil in Coffee is great- It obviously separates but it moisturizes the lips very nice...
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    It's Omega-3 and actually proven to reduce cholesterol. Keep using it, it may be slow for weight loss (better than butter) but it's good for your skin and your heart!
  • grneyez81
    grneyez81 Posts: 4 Member
    too much of anything is never good...even if it's healthy :) That being said my family mainly uses it externally. My 11 month old has had eczema since she was about 1 month old and had used Aveeno baby wash on her and she broke out. We started using Aquaphor to bath her and slather the coconut oil on after bath and her skin cleared right up...oh and she doesn't itch near as bad. Better my mind to use something natural if it helps vs. using steroid creams on a less than 1 year old. Everyone in my house uses it as a moisturizer and I put 1 tsp in my smoothies in the morning.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I use it as what it is. . . a "full" fat (aka saturated) in baking and sauteing (my Thai and Indian experiments-- be forewarned, coconut oil does not have a high temperature resistance).

    I also use it as a stand in for Bodyglide -- for long rides and runs

    If by "high temperature resistance" you mean it melts at a low temperature, then you're right. The melting point of virgin coconut oil is 76F/24C. If you mean it breaks down in high heat, you're wrong. It has a 350F/177C smoke point, which is comparable to butter and higher than EVOO.
    Reading all these wacky things people do with it I'm baffled. Call me crazy but I cook with it. Not often because I'm not a big fry guy but if I get an itch for some breaded chicken or shrimp I fry it in coconut oil (we're not talking deep fry, just pan). Same goes for asian dishes. As for any miracle benefits, those are probably BS spread by the same lunatics who are in to juice cleanses and aligning their yin/yangs.

    Depends on what you consider "miracle benefits." The Lauric Acid and medium chain triglycerides are well-known among the scientific communities for a number of benefits, including helping improve waist circumference and serum cholesterol in a randomized double-blind study. Coconut oil has also been shown to have an appetite suppressing effect.

    And the moisturizing effect?'s a fat. The body can use the fat (both used on the skin and taken internally) to moisturize the skin and other parts of the body.
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    ... As for any miracle benefits, those are probably BS spread by the same lunatics who are in to juice cleanses and aligning their yin/yangs.
    Absolutely right.
    The only thing I DO believe is its ability to normalize cholesterol levels.
    My total cholesterol was fine, and my triglycerides were good, but my HDL/LDL ratio was off and always had been. 6 months after I started using coconut oil, my HDL went up, my LDL went down, and my overall even lowered (not a significant amount at all, but, still :) ). Some of the naysayers say that people should never eat the stuff because it is a saturated fat, but my triglycerides also dropped to 40 and have stayed around there ever since.
    Anecdotally, the stuff does what they say it does with respect to cholesterol.

    It's not magic. it's an OIL, not an elixir. I don't feel any different using it than I did using olive oil.
    It has a high smoke point, a good feel and flavor (especially in curries)... and it is an awesome conditioner for your hair.

    What else do you want from an OIL?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Bulletproof Coffee......I think is where the thought of it, in the coffee came from ;) It's apparently an energy booster.....and well, naturally, so would the high strength coffee be ;)

    That being said, I've tried it, I just wasn't pleased with the 150+ calories of "liquid" for breakfast ;)

    At least 2tbs Kerrygold unsalted grass-fed butter (I like up to 6 tbps, or 80g or 88 ml).
    1-2tbs of MCT oil (15-30 ml)
    2 cups (~453g or 500ml) of hot coffee brewed with low-toxin beans

    But yea, the thought of Oil and Butter in my coffee just don't sound I did try the coconut oil once, but after adding the coconut oil, and a bit of honey, I was over 150 calories for a cup of coffee, vs. 70-80 calorie-ish with a tbsp. of half and half :)

    That being said, Coconut Oil ain't bad, I've sauteed with it.......I also attempt to do oil pulling daily (typically when I wake up, while showering) for 20 minutes.

    Used to do BP coffee...
    Now I just add in the coconut / MCT oil to my coffee, that is it

    also of note, as to why I do that.
    I do Intermittent Fasting, so I am in the fasted state while drinking it.....
    so it provides some energy for me.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Bulletproof Coffee......I think is where the thought of it, in the coffee came from ;) It's apparently an energy booster.....and well, naturally, so would the high strength coffee be ;)

    That being said, I've tried it, I just wasn't pleased with the 150+ calories of "liquid" for breakfast ;)

    At least 2tbs Kerrygold unsalted grass-fed butter (I like up to 6 tbps, or 80g or 88 ml).
    1-2tbs of MCT oil (15-30 ml)
    2 cups (~453g or 500ml) of hot coffee brewed with low-toxin beans

    But yea, the thought of Oil and Butter in my coffee just don't sound I did try the coconut oil once, but after adding the coconut oil, and a bit of honey, I was over 150 calories for a cup of coffee, vs. 70-80 calorie-ish with a tbsp. of half and half :)

    That being said, Coconut Oil ain't bad, I've sauteed with it.......I also attempt to do oil pulling daily (typically when I wake up, while showering) for 20 minutes.

    Coconut oil or butter in coffee really isn't much different than cream. In fact, butter is really just cream with the liquid taken out of it.
    I asked Cardiologists I Worked for about coconut oil and their response was."If you wind up in the ER And we find out you were using coconut oil we will NOT do your angiogram." There was my answer. Not doing it.

    The 1970s called, they want their cardiologists back. You might want to refer him to the Framingham Heart Study. It's been proven for the past...oh...I don't know...50 years or so, that saturated fat doesn't cause cardiovascular disease. In fact, the lauric acid and MCTs in coconut oil improve the measures used to determine cardiovascular risk, by raising HDL and improving the HDL to LDL ratio. (See the first link in my last post.)
    It's Omega-3 and actually proven to reduce cholesterol. Keep using it, it may be slow for weight loss (better than butter) but it's good for your skin and your heart!

    No, it's not Omega-3. Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fat, most commonly found in fish. Coconut oil is nearly entirely saturated fat, consisting primarily of Lauric and Capric acids. In fact, the tiny bit of polyunsaturated fat in coconut oil is actually primarily Omega-6, not Omega-3.

    That said, it still has been proven that coconut oil improves serum cholesterol, by raising HDL and improving HDL to LDL ratio.

    Also, it's not better or worse than butter. Real butter has its own benefits, including consisting of 40-50% monounsaturated fats (that's right, coconut oil has a higher concentration of saturated fats than butter, and butter has a large portion of the same kinds of fats as olive oil), loaded with Vitamins A, E, and K2 (all of which are fat-soluble, and K2 being rather rare to find and the most bioavailable form of Vitamin K), and is rich in butyrate and conjugated linoleic acid (both of which have been shown to help weight loss and prompt various mechanisms to help prevent weight gain).

    So, use both in your cooking, because both are good and offer their own share of benefits.
  • Itslozzamate
    I'm so jealous I wish that I could use coconut oil. Everyone always tells me how they cook with it etc and i'm finding it in more and more products all the time... which is annoying as I'm allergic which limits me to what I can buy and what my family can eat :/
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It's good for you in moderation. Like olive oil. Also try putting a very small amount on your skin and hair if they are at all dry.
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    I also started with coconut oil to try to control high cholesterol and high triglycerides. I add it to all my smoothies and cook with it. Haven't tried it in coffee but that sounds awesome. Just wrote a blogpost on the benefits of eating coconuts--it's called CUCKOO FOR COCONUTS! :laugh: Visit and it's the post at the top. The precise post hyperlink is:

    So my advice is don't give up on coconuts yet. For example, have you tried dark chocolate with coconut? :blushing:
    How about coconut cream Larabars? Larabar Coconut Macaroons? Kind Almond & Coconut bars?

    I also drink a lot of coconut milk, usually pre-blended almond/coconut milk to make smoothie construction and consumption easy.

    Healthy fats are good for moderation.

    Long live COCONUTS! :wink: