Anyone having a hard time kicking the soda?



  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I do the same thing....I have to drink all of my water for the day, and then I can have 1 can of soda. Soda used to be all that I would drink. My goal is to have one with dinner. After dinner my goal is 2 glasses to kind of 'flush' out the junk from the soda. So far it seems to be helping.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I've always been a Coca Cola junkie. I would drink it all day every day. It has taken about 2 weeks but now I drink mostly water, I'll sip Coke Zero (I can't stomach more than a couple ounces at a sitting), and if I really want to treat myself (like I did today), I'll have a regular Coke in a baby can. It is 7.5 oz and only 90 calories. I always end up going over my 'sugars' for the day, but sometimes you just have to splurge.
  • I was a diet Coke addict for years. I finally quit about 2 years ago. I was in withdrawal for about a week then suddenly felt better than ever (I drank, and still do) lots of water (10 to 12 glasses a day). BTW do not switch from regular to diet and think you are going to lose weight. You will at first, but then you gain it all back plus probably. Diet sodas trick your brain into releasing insulin to use up the sugar but there isn't any. So your brain makes you crave carbs and sweets to use up the insulin. Also, after I was off for about a week my joint pain was greatly reduced. Good luck.
  • EBell83
    EBell83 Posts: 18
    Making soda a "goal" for drinking water is an awesome way to ease away from sodas. I wish I had read this/thought of that when I was nixing them. I just stopped cold turkey, which was not a lot of fun, considering the sudden loss of caffeine daily. It took three weeks for me to work it out. Now I might have one soda a week, if that. I try to drink about 8-10 glasses of water a day, and most days I make it. by then, I'm too full to want a soda. I substitute milk for water now instead of coke for water, which makes me feel a ton better after the fact. Of course I also have one cup of coffee daily still...I just can't get rid of the caffeine yet.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I do the same thing....I have to drink all of my water for the day, and then I can have 1 can of soda. Soda used to be all that I would drink. My goal is to have one with dinner. After dinner my goal is 2 glasses to kind of 'flush' out the junk from the soda. So far it seems to be helping.

    Me too. I have one can of Coke Zero at dinner only after I drink all my water.
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    MMMEEEE!!! it's hard! Pepsi is like crack hahahaha. I like cdngrl81's way of keeping it down. I should try that, then I still get some but not as much.
  • I was on that soda crack too. Ugh, I go through my withdrawals now and then, so now it has been substituted for ice tea. Now I'm trying to substitue that for water. Not very sucessful at that right now. I'm taking baby steps.
  • I seriously drank almost a full 2 liter of cherry coke/dr. pepper a day. i slowly traded it for sweet tea, so i could replace the sugar slowly. I couldn't kick the sugar drink habit until I was in the hospital for a few days and after a few days of eating nothing, soda tasted like cough syrup. I can't touch the stuff now at all. Now I pretty much just drink water and crystal light. It's a hard habit to kick for sure, but so worth it once you do. I lost like 10 pounds in a month without literally doing anything.
  • tonfm
    tonfm Posts: 4
    I like this idea ... only allow yourself a soda after you've drank your daily water amount! Thanx! :)
  • WindmillSong
    WindmillSong Posts: 81 Member
    I'm an "In the Process" addict lol! I have been hooked on Mountain Dew for several years-2 to 3 a day sometimes. I'm fine with sweet tea (Splenda) and I've just discovered the little Crystal Light packets-still leary about the artificial sweeteners in that... and now that I'm actually "moving" and working out, water is becoming satisfying. And I'm one that LOVES flavor-plain water used to make me snarl up my nose. It's still not my favorite all of the time (miss the Mt Dew with meals) but I'm slowly training myself.
  • darney
    darney Posts: 9
    I stopped drinking it a ton when I was pregnant, just because I was so thirsty all the time and it never made anything better. I don't drink it often now, but when I do its only once in a while. I have a hard time drinking water though and I'm always drinking crystal light tea in the big jug which isn't much better.
  • tonfm
    tonfm Posts: 4
    I keep hearing about how many calories we can consume just with drinks in a day ... this is starting to click with me. I drink mostly pop and coffee/cappucino's throughout the day. Sometimes I drink un-needed calories from milk or maybe juice. I try and drink herbal tea and water. Pop is the hardest to quit though ... since I like sweet stuff. I always seem to go back to pop. I've quit drinking pop before, for months, then get tired of drinking water etc... I don't really like citrus or tart, like lemon water/tea. I've had the pop drinking habit since i was 16 and drink at least 32 ounces a day. I don't mind diet ... but eventually get tired of drinking that too. I just seem to stick with pop the easiest. I think drinking pop has been what's put most of my weight on over the years!
  • I tried switching from regular to diet but kept finding myself having a regular one every now and then. The every now and then turned into only regular and no diet and the cycle of quitting would start again. I finally quit sodas last year by drinking any of the Crystal Light (Wallmart Great Value) Drink Mix on the go packets that have caffeine. Green Tea Peach mango, Natural Citrus Splash, Wild Strawberry... At 10 cals a packet, it satisfies my cravings.
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