Athletic Greens



  • mariannemav
    I have been using Athletic Greens for over a month and I really like it. Gives me the nutrition I need and more, and also cuts down on cost and pills. It is easy, also adds to the amount of water I drink in a day.

    I see complaints about people being on the subscription as their complaints many times--to me, they didn't read what they were buying is all. The plan is very clear, the terms are very clear.

    There is not a magic pill to lose weight--it took a long time to gain it and it will take a long time to take it off with a lot of work. Do the work, and a year from now you will feel awesome and have it behind you....or a year from now be sitting around complaining about being fat and nothing works.

    About the actual product, I love it and plan to stay on it--very few things address the high number of nutritional and health benefits, and if people read what they are buying they will be very happy with it.
  • trekmanone
    trekmanone Posts: 2 Member
    I started taking AG 2 weeks ago and noticed couple of side effects I wonder if readers can comment.

    1. Anal seepage/"oozing"... I know, sounds bad. Didn't know any other way to phrase this.
    2. Having trouble urinating. I'm older male taking Flomax already for "lazy" prostrate. Anything known about what's in this product that would cause that? Urologist told me ingredients in over-the-counter cold medicine affects prostrate big time.

    Thanks in advance any responses.
  • gisenda
    gisenda Posts: 1 Member
    What about the herbal part of this product? I was thinking of taking it but I am a little worried about side effects. This is what I found that a medical Doctor wrote to his client online about this product.

    "Athletic greens is has some herbal ingredients ,so I will recommend that you do get renal and liver finction tests at regular intervals . I am mentioning this as less data is available on herbal ingredients due to less clinical research ,so physician monitoring is advised .
    Rest I did look at other ingredients ,which are fine and you can take them as recommended . This overall is a good product but as I mentioned earlier ,due to herbal ingredients ,some lab tests are required at regular intervals so that your physician can keep a eye on any possible side effect .
    Do not over do it as extra minerals and vitamins is also not recommended .

    The Client asked what herbals ingredients they were that he was worried about.

    "These are herbal ingredients Siberian Ginseng Root Extract (10:1), Gotu Kola Extract (4:1), Rosemary Leaf Extract (4:1), Milk Thistle Seed Extract (70:1) in athletic green .

    You can get renal and liver function tests every 3-4 months in for 1st year and then twice a year for next year .

    Feel free to ask further questions if any."

    So I am not sure if it is okay to take, has anybody had any side effects? Thanks for your time and effort!!