
I will try to not be all over the place with this.:grumble:

I was diagnosed with "clinical depression" years (6-8?) ago.

So I have my moments where Ifeel like "depression" does hinder my everyday life.

At the moment I am going through a fatigued stage. I sleep hours on end and wake up and still feel tired. All day, every day I feel tired. This week I have been felling what I wouldn't exactly call "lightheaded" but close to it. I don't feel faint or nauseous, I feel a sensation somewhat like I am falling.

I'm not quite sure what my question is.....

I do not take anti depressants and do not take any pills for energy. Does anyone know anything natural that would help me with this. From what Iam rreading, vitamins B,C and D as well as St Johns wart and something called sam-e. ???

I do drink plenty of water. Maybe I am lacking certain nutrients??

I've read that exercise is good for depression but at the moment I literally feel like I will pass out if I attempt to exercise.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :happy:


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Nobody is qualified to advise you online. You should call your doctor.
  • 500 mg. St johns wort is what i give my fiance daily and 3 mg meletonin before bed.
    It seems to balance out his lower serotonin levels.
    Keep in mind herbals dint work the same for everyone.
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    Make an appointment with your doctor and get some blood work. Ask him/her to check your Vitamin D levels. I have a deficiency and feel very similar when I'm low.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Vertigo, which is what you are describing, could be caused by a number of things. It could be an imbalance like you suggested, an inner ear problem, very high blood pressure or something bigger. Your wisest option at the moment would be to see a doctor to at least rule out the more concerning causes and not try to fix it without making sure it's not a bigger issue. A sudden onset of vertigo should always be checked out.
  • Lou2016
    Lou2016 Posts: 26 Member
    I had that happen to me years ago, turned out I was severely anemic. It could be nothing, or a symptom of depression, but if you get checked out then you can rule anything out and go from there.