I eat healthy but I eat too much?

I'm at a healthy weight for my height, but I put on weight slowly and then suddenly I'll look at the scale and realize I've gained 10 lbs. See my problem with maintaining my weight is that I eat a lot of healthy foods, but I eat way too much way too quickly. I've always been this way; as a child I would sit down and 2 or 3 times as much as the adults would at dinner.

The younger me at age 16 could eat an extra large pizza and I wouldn't gain an ounce, and I was totally inactive. But for example me now, at age 20, eats a (rather large, comparable to a subway footlong) 100% whole wheat sandwich with bread hollowed out filled with JUST VEGGIES, I'll do 15 minutes of HIIT a day three times a week, and I still gain weight/can't lose weight. I'm always hungry, even right after I eat a full meal I'll keep munching on other snacks, healthy snacks mind you. At this point it doesn't even matter if I'm eating healthy or not, it's just my portions are so large and I eat so quickly that I don't feel full until I get the stomach pains 30 minutes later. Then I feel bloated and it's just not fun.

So, after this awkward rant, my question is how do you control your portions and/or slow down your pace of eating?


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Eat less.

    Sorry, but it's really that simple. If you log your food you'll know where you are going over.
  • Cindyloo01
    Cindyloo01 Posts: 94 Member
    I try to find other things to do while I am eating to slow me down or distract myself. Try chewing slower too.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Simple to me - eat more fat and protein, and less carbs. Fat and protein are naturally filling, and when your body has enough it tends to let you know almost immediately, which is not the case with carbs, which I find its very easy to overeat on.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Try to eat slowly. If you think you're still hungry, wait 20 minutes. By then you'll probably feel full.

    And yes... more protein and fat (although fat doesn't help me, but complex carbs do).
  • sellorap
    sellorap Posts: 6 Member
    I have the same problem. I am trying to force myself to drink at least one glass of water before eating a meal, and having another glass of water & walking away from the table if I still think I am hungry after eating. If I really am still hungry, I'll find something low-cal but filling (usually carrots or an apple) to eat.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    Put your fork down after every single bite & take a drink of water between each & every bite. Maybe even count 30 chews for every bite. All things to slow & focus
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm a fast eater too, but I'm getting better. Like most bad habits, it's somethig you have to make yourself acutely mindful of. When you sit down to eat, do it with purpose. Take a bite, put your folk down, chew, notice the textures and tastes, swallow, then pick your fork up, repeat. Enjoy your food, don't just inhale it.

    I also agree that you may need more filling foods like healthy fats and proteins in your diet. I saw on your profile that you said you eat minimal oil. Unfortunately fats get a bad rap because they're the highest calorie macro nutrient but they are an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. If you don't want to get them from oils, make sure you're getting them from fatty foods like salmon, nuts, seeds, avocado, etc. You might be surprised what a difference it makes.
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    LIke the above poster I have added more protein to my diet like eggs, tuna, cottage cheese & nuts. I have reduced carbs. I find that keeps me full longer.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    Simple to me - eat more fat and protein, and less carbs. Fat and protein are naturally filling, and when your body has enough it tends to let you know almost immediately, which is not the case with carbs, which I find its very easy to overeat on.

  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    You're only gaining of you're overeating, so make sure to weigh everything you eat. You'll be surprised how small a serving of certain foods is once you weigh it :grumble:

    I'm the same age as you and have the same problem with still feeling hunger straight after a meal. You need to exercise restraint. Give your body about 20 minutes (I've counted) and all of a sudden you'll feel satiated.
    Also personally I choose foods which have more bulk and perhaps less calories. For example I have a vegetarian omelette for lunch which is 250 calories. If I ate something like a Twix which is the same calories I feel like I'd feel less full/satisfied just because it's so small.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Eat less or put those calories to good use.

    If you are at your healthy weight I would seriously recommend that you start lifting heavy weights and put on some muscle. Women who lift heavy weights look amazing.

    "healthy" can mean just about anything you want it to, but at the end of the day if you eat more calories than you burn then you will gain weight.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    same! it is so frustrating! i might be the only person to get fat from eating fruits and vegetables haha

    extra tough for me because i'm vegan (for moral reasons) and i don't like high fat or high protein foods, i don't think they taste good and they make me feel slow/tired. i love carbs! give me oatmeal and beans and apples and tomatoes and lettuce <3

    it all comes down to portion control. mind over matter.
  • Shelalala
    It might be important to mention that I'm 80% vegan; I eat eggs and fish once in a while, and even less often I'll have dairy. Fat does get a bad rep but be aware that I'm not afraid of fat, as long as it's healthy fats. The reason I eat the way I do is because it's the best way of eating that I have done so far. My body reacts much better to this than it did when I was a big carnivore. My skin has been the best it has been since I was 12, and I feel much better. I do eat a good amount of carbs, and I try to eat less. It's just a habit for me to eat a lot of food, many times a day. I just don't know how to control it, I feel like once I start eating I can't stop and it's hard to "snap out of it". :sad:
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Just as others have said. More protein and healthy fats/whole foods, dink water between bites and a cup or 2 before eating, and lift weights or do bodyweight resistance training. The muscle you build will help you urn more calories daily without having

    My side advice is to add spices to your food. High fiber foods like oatmeal and milk always make me full. Daily chef chicken breast with rib meat from Sams are big and filling with 110-150 calories Lastly, get busy. At work I make sure I run errands across campus right after I eat and that burns a quick 30 minutes.

    Good luck and I hope some of these tips work
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Simple to me - eat more fat and protein, and less carbs. Fat and protein are naturally filling, and when your body has enough it tends to let you know almost immediately, which is not the case with carbs, which I find its very easy to overeat on.


    This. I've eaten three plain bagels in one sitting. But if you give me some chicken sauteed in butter with some broccoli I'll be full half way through.

    I can very easily overeat on carbs, and I find that's what I binge on when I eat.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    Try not to tackle two things at one time. Either work on portion control first or eating too fast next. I also eat too fast and it has taken me a loooong time to learn portion control. I use water as a filler before during and after meals. This is the beginning of eating better portions and I am getting better at it every day. I try not to eat until I am stuffed any more or like there is a pit that needs to be filled. I am human however, and at times like yesterday I overate rice because I had this urge and I forgave myself. FORGIVE Yourself! I still feel like I eat too fast which is the next thing that I will tackle. Do not serve yourself big portions. Log your food first and measure out all of your foods in smaller portions than you would normally eat. Start small adding in your water and wait before eating another portion only if absolutely necessary. If you need to be snapped out of your eating trance set an alarm on your cell phone, something that will help you focus.

    This sort of sounds like binging. I was mostly vegetarian for more than 15 years and I still do not eat red meat or pork. I gained the most weight when I ate this way because my starches were way toooooo high not only carbs. We often make healthy foods unhealthy because of the way it is prepared or the amount we eat. Yes wheat bread is healthy but if you eat 10 slices of it, no good. Yes salad is healthy but if you put 8 tbsp of salad dressing, eggs, bacon, nuts, croutons, and craisins in excess then the healthy salad become unhealthy. If you ate 1 or 2 cups of this salad okay but if you eat 6 cups of it it becomes unhealthy. Saying all of this to say our determination of healthy may be off because it is not a Fish Filet, potato chips, ice cream which I still have by the way. Best of Luck to you!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Look up mindful or conscious eating. Make a time and place and always sit down. I find if I follow mindful eating i naturally slow down because I am thinking about what I am eating and tasting it. NOT to say I never gobble stuff in the car anymore but I try to avoid it as much as possible.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    It might be important to mention that I'm 80% vegan; I eat eggs and fish once in a while, and even less often I'll have dairy. Fat does get a bad rep but be aware that I'm not afraid of fat, as long as it's healthy fats. The reason I eat the way I do is because it's the best way of eating that I have done so far. My body reacts much better to this than it did when I was a big carnivore. My skin has been the best it has been since I was 12, and I feel much better. I do eat a good amount of carbs, and I try to eat less. It's just a habit for me to eat a lot of food, many times a day. I just don't know how to control it, I feel like once I start eating I can't stop and it's hard to "snap out of it". :sad:

    No such thing as 80% vegan. If you're eating fish and eggs, you're an omnivore. I know, less sexy marketing to it, but w/e.

    I've seen this work before:


    If the whole self control thing doesn't work, it might be worth a try.