
My roommate and I started doing the Insanity program. We are trying to keep track on Myfitnesspal of our exercises and food intake. Has anyone else gone throught the program? And how was your results? What would you have changed or done better?


  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    My only two statements about Insanity is that it is an awesome extreme cardio workout..........and it can be highly taxing on your knees, ankles, and lower back (Per my experience, and others' experiences I have read about on this very forum). With that said, I love the absolutely kicks my *kitten*.
    I don't do Insanity everyday, so I have time to recover from whatever pain I experience.
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    I've actually completed Insanity twice and got great cardio results and lost a fair amount of weight. But I do have to agree with Jeremywm1977 as it is quite demanding on knees, back and ankles. I even occassionally got quite nasty cramp in my calves when doing it which would force me to stop for a few seconds to minutes.

    However, it is a great program that if you stick to it with a good diet you will see results.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    With a lot of the jumping/explosive moves, I was feeling some strain on my lower back.
    I noticed that when I was doing Insanity daily, the lower back pain was consistent, but when I only integrated Insanity as a periodic addition to my existing workout, the pain went away.

    It's a great cardio workout, but I don't think it's one that should be done according to the provided calendar.
  • I'm curious, how do you all track Insanity on MFP?
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Create a custom can either use a heartrate monitor to gauge your calorie burn, or use the amount for "aerobic-high impact"
  • Hi, I just started Insanity this week and have really enjoyed it so far. I can see how it can become addictive. I'm on holidays at the min so it's easy to fit it in and I'm hoping that I will be able to keep it up when I return to work. I am following a healthy diet. Does anyone feel that you have to follow the diet that Shawn T talks about ie -recovery shakes etc?
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I did Insanity about a month or two ago. I didn't have any problems with my knees or back or anything. Just be ready for month two because all of the videos are about an hour and I found I had to force myself to do it way more than I had in the first month. It is definitely a great work out and I felt accomplished after each one.
  • lucii06
    lucii06 Posts: 7 Member
    I Started Insanity on Monday. And I love this program. At first my back would hurt but after day 3 it has really gotten better. And I have felt more energetic. Hopefully I get the results that i want. Oh and I dont go by the food guide I just watch my calories from here and drink lots of water.
  • elenanxs
    elenanxs Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there!
    I've just started week 3 today and I feel amazing! I never thought I could do such program and I'm really proud of myself for pressing play everyday! I had a small injury in my knee and my doctor advised me to wait before starting Insanity, so I did, but only a week because I was too excited about getting into it. I have to say that my knee hasn't hurt at all, but I don't jump as high as the people in the video and also take some breaks in between. I wear proper shoes and do the exercises on the carpet in the living room, but I'm planning on purchasing a yoga mat, I thought it may help.
    Moreover, if you wonder about how you should log insanity on mfp, here's what I do: I DON'T. Yep, I don't add any exercise in here because I made the calculations form the nutrition guide and it told me to eat 1800 cals per day in order to lose weight, so I just set my max intake of 1800 calories and never eat over (even though I did for 2 times when I went to some birhday parties). But I have days when I can't reach this amount, so I stay around 1500-1700, but never less than that. (Trust me, I experienced eating 1200 cals and working out and burning 300-400 cals and I ended up being hungry all the time and almost fainted while exercising). Anyway, that's just my case :-)
    Good luck with insanity!