today i realized...



    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    hey it took me two years after signing into MFP (2011) before I really started logging in seriously at the beginning of this year (Feb). sometimes we need a defining moment/situation to boot us into gear, mine was seeing a staff Christmas photo and really looking at "me" for the first time without denial.. in saying that I have also fallen off the wagon many times during then, but I get back on again. Having my friends on MFP has made those failures easier to overcome.

    At first I wasn't confident enough to share my diary or make friends, thinking "why would a bunch of strangers from all parts of the globe care about lil ol me?", it turned out that once I opened up and added some friends (they keep on growing), I now feel like such an idiot for not having done so earlier....I don't think I would have found a much more supportive and caring bunch of people anywhere else online. The MFP clan has helped me to be honest about "me" and tand have cheered me along the way.

    Now, the first thing I do on my PC is log onto MFP, I think I spend more time on MFP than Facebook (oh no!) and its because I love the realness I see in the people here.

    So, pat yourself on the back for writing it down, its the best choice that you have made so far...wish you the best and feel free to add for support.

    ^THIS! I have been on MFP for a few years, but JUST a couple weeks ago started being more involved - posting and adding friends! I have to say I love our community!! I've been so inspired and encouraged, the support is awesome!! I'm just starting out and have a long way to go, but WE can do this!!

    I actually deleted my facebook and LOVE that I have become as obsessed with checking MFP as much as I did FB. I don't miss it at all - it wasn't helping me, but actually bringing me down, MFP as lifted me up!

    Good luck and I'm going to add you!
  • LouiseLacaze
    LouiseLacaze Posts: 5 Member
    Feeling happy that for the last few days have got all the kids out on our bikes in the sun. Would have loved a big fast bike ride, but middle on is on her scooter and ssslllooowwwwww! !
    A few better choices cream with those strawberries! Otherwise still positive. Hooray
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Welcome to the start of a wonderful journey - it won't be easy, but it'll be very well worth it.