Introducing Myself

Hello Everyone,

My name is Rebekah. I am 49 and I weight 325. YIKES!! Not too sure how that happened, but it did. After having shoulder surgery recently, I decided it was time to start moving and start watching what I eat. I'm not young anymore and I want to do this before It really starts to become a huge problem. I would love to have friends here and would appreciate the motivation. I am pretty excited about this site and have been here just 4 days. I already lost 3.2 pounds. YAH ME!!! That scale hasn't budged forever! It is a start.
I have given up one of my dearest loves and that's Coke. I love that stuff and drank it all the time. Now, I started drinking water and I actually like it. Go figure! I need a lot of support since I feel this will be al almost impossible feat to accomplish. However, I also know if I do little goals at a time, I will accomplish much. Thanks everyone for reading this. :)


  • scoobydooteresa
    scoobydooteresa Posts: 20 Member
    welcome perfect prince

    good luck on your journey you have made the first step in the right direction. you can add me if you want :smile:
  • bezerkus
    bezerkus Posts: 79 Member
    You sound like you've gotten off to a great start. You'll get there!
  • PerfectPrincess001
    Thank you so much
  • PerfectPrincess001
    Thanks. I'm looking forward to the journey.
  • MLSnell87
    MLSnell87 Posts: 1 Member
    HI Rebekah, I'm Michele and I too weigh 327 as of tonight. My highest weight was 341, Don't wonder IF you can do this, KNOW that you can. I'm a perfect example of being a procrastinator and put off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. It took me taking a long hard look at myself and finally not being able to get out of a chair while holding the love of my life. My new grandson, I was so weak and out of shape I couldn't stand up while holding him. I'm 50 yrs and decided this is nonsense. So please please please take a page from my book and lose the words , I HOPE I CAN, and I TRYING , change them to I WILL DO THIS and I AM STRONG, My lil secret too is not looking at for the end of the journey but the pit stops along the way. I wanted to break the 340 number down to the 330 and onward, Next month my goal is to break into the 310's.
    I hope I have given you a bit of strength and conviction. We WILL do this just keep moving. :happy:
  • RedHeadHotMama
    RedHeadHotMama Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome Rebekah. Good luck on your journey. Wishing you the best of luck on your lifestyle change. As Richard Simmons says never say diet because the first part of it is D-I-E. Sending you a request. I log on daily and would love to be there for you.
  • MsCynthia844
    MsCynthia844 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Rebekah!! Good for you. This site is amazing. I am 49 and was weighing 281lbs when I made a life style change. Then I found this site. I am now weighing in at 253lbs. I am so excited - trust me you can do. Do what works for you - but log your food and if you can't log - at the end of the day - tell yourself everything you ate or drunk. It works. Like you I am looking for friends and so send a request. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Betonme86
    Hey Rebekah! I'm new to this as got this :)! Day by day!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    Believe me when I say "you can do this", I was 49 when I started and although it has been slower than I would like, it is still moving in the right direction.
    Just don't quit!
    Good luck to you.