I can use a little (lot of) help

I'm a 57 year old woman who has dealt with weight issues since I was a teen but never REALLY overweight until I hit my 40's. My average weight in my 20's was 130 lbs. I felt very fat but that was mainly because my friends were so tiny (98-110 lbs). They on the other hand had no shape to their bodies while I was more shapely. I didn't appreciate that though, I wanted to be skinny, like them.
My weight gain started around the age of 13 when I was molested. I thought that by gaining weight I would be unattractive to my predator who unfortunately happened to be my father.
Food has been the place I've turned to for comfort and solace these many years. Although I must say that my diet is pretty healthy. I never eat junk food, no soda's, nothing artificial and I have lived this way for the last 30 years. My only vice is wine and snacks at night with my hubby.
The last couple of years I have dealt with foot problems and back problems caused by my weight I'm sure. I've dealt with IBS since my early 20's, cased by stress and food. Outside of my this, I have everything going for me. An incredibly wonderful husband of 33 years, 2 grown sons who are very loving and attentive, my home is the house of my dreams, an 1800's old farm house with a swing on the front porch and a pony in the back yard, fruit trees and flowers everywhere.
I have everything I could ask for BUT if I don't do something about my weight, it'll be gone before I know it.
I've used MFP in the past but the "friends" weren't very attentive to my needs. They'd click on "like" for my weigh in days and the like but never really said anything. I got little if any encouragement. I really need that. I have about 100 pounds to lose so I will be here for a long time. I'm gonna need so encouragement if I am ever going to be able to accomplish this. I really want to. Can you help?


  • dandelionwish31
    dandelionwish31 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to help the best I can :) My name is Lisa. I am 36 . I have about 40 pounds to lose. I too was 120/130 before. I was never satisfied of my weight until i reached 180 pounds and lost 40 pounds 2 years ago... I was SO comfortable in my skin for the first time ever, even at 140. Long story short the past 2 years have been a huge roller coaster of brain surgery, paralysis, rehab, walking again and thru that ongoing recovery i gained back all the weight I had just worked so hard on losing. Now that I life is settling into my "new normal", I want to lose it again, and for good! I need support too... I dont need many friends, just a few true ones :)