my story - looking for friends in similar situations

I'll make this as short as possible. I started using MFP about 2.5 years ago, lost 15 lbs. Then things became extreme and I lost another 20, making me very underweight. I lost track of WHY I joined the site and what it meant to be HEALTHY. I was starving myself, obsessed with numbers/measuring, had to be eating clean 100% of the time, and all around had a bad mental state. Fast forward to 6 months ago, where I started getting better with my eating, but then again, took it to the extreme. I started binging like CRAZY. I don't know how I didn't die from some of my food binges. I gained 20 lbs.

Now, I don't want to deal with either of those extremes. I want to get back to loving myself and treating my body well. I want to provide my body with the most nutritious foods and slowly ease back into exercise. I want to be HEALTHY, not fat or skinny, or whatever in between. Just healthy.

Anyone have a similar struggle and like to add me? Could also use pals that strictly do this for health and not necessarily "weight", if that makes any sense.

Thanks for reading.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Unless there is some medical reason for it, being overweight or underweight is usually a sign of deeper emotional problems. It's not a judgement or an accusation!!

    I could be wrong, but there is a chance that some therapy would be helpful. Maybe not, but maybe. If I were you, I'd give it a shot.

    I mean this in a trying-to-be-helpful way and not because I'm trying to insult you or think I'm better.

    If you wanted to friend me, I'd happily accept. :)

    Really hoping I did not offend.
  • Maybe I didn't write that clearly. I'm a little confused now.
  • chloelovescats
    chloelovescats Posts: 3 Member
    hey, I don't know if its too late to post this, but I totally get it.
    You are pretty much describing exactly what happened to me.
    I am a perfectionist and I also have an anxiety disorder, and I think maybe that all-or-nothing
    mentality (which is prevalent among people who are trying to lose weight)
    can be really unhelpful and lead to some unhealthy eating habits.
    I was never diagnosed with one by a health professional, but I truly believe I was headed towards developing
    an eating disorder. So what I did was I just got rid of the MFP app for a while and just ate like
    a normal person, meaning no counting calories, no weighing food obsessively and no punishing myself for
    a bad eating day. I did gain a little weight back but I realize now that taking a break before things
    got really bad is the best decision I could have made in that situation. It's a pretty nasty cycle to get into
    and you just end up gaining more weight in the long run. I feel like I understand what you're going through.