1200 Calories

So I downloaded that app a few days ago and filled in my info and according to the app I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. Once I've lost my goal weight how many calories do I eat? Where do I go from there? Is this diet plan going to actually be successful in the long run, because I've heard of people who say that they gained the weight right back.. Hope you can help me! xo


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Those who gain the weight back, are generally those who go on a diet, rather than actually making longterm, lifestyle changes.
    1200 is too aggressive for most. It is the bare minimum.
    It is better to find out your TDEE, and eat 10-20% below that per day.
    Most females on here, seem to lose weight while netting 1500-1700 calories (net is your intake without exercise added in)
    Basically, eat as much as you can get away with while still losing weight to keep your body functioning well.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    You don't look like you have very much to lose. 2 lbs a week is only meant for people who have 75+ pounds to lose. This is a common mistake that newbies make.

    In regards to maintenance, when you hit your goal, you will then adjust your MFP settings to "maintain", and you eat back your exercise calories as well. Yes, its a system based on calories in vs out, and it works.

    Read these links.

  • Thank You. I'm just trying to lose weight for my sisters wedding. Not a million pounds haha
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    So I downloaded that app a few days ago and filled in my info and according to the app I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. Once I've lost my goal weight how many calories do I eat? Where do I go from there? Is this diet plan going to actually be successful in the long run, because I've heard of people who say that they gained the weight right back.. Hope you can help me! xo

    Second post in weight maintenance category.....

    2 pounds a week is appropriate when you have at least 75 pounds to lose. Re: regaining .........1200 is pretty steep. Transitioning to maintenance would likely be easier if you didn't go up from a such low number.

    Many people will get to goal weight and add 100 (or so) calories a day......do that for awhile. Then add 100 more, etc. Another method is using an activity tracker to find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)

  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb/week is ideal
    If you have 15-25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lb/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lb/week is ideal

    I think your calorie goal is so low because you're trying to lose weight too fast for your current weight. Try setting your goal to 1.5 lb/week or 1 lb/week instead.

    Losing weight too quickly can lead to people gaining it back. Also, cutting out entire food groups is a bad idea because it's not sustainable long term. You need to choose something you can continue after you reach your goal. Once you reach your goal, set your goal to "maintain my current weight" and then it will tell you how many calories to eat to maintain your weight.
  • ……………………………………………………….mmmmhmmmm...
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member

    So you ask about long term sustainability, then you say that your weight loss goals are short term. You ask for clarification, then you apparently blow off the clarification given with this gem of a response. What exactly are you looking for here?
  • For me, I eat about 1,200 and lose weight (I'm kind of small). It takes a conscious effort, but is doable. Depending on WHAT eat you eat this can be fuel for your day or keep you still hungry. I can stay on this diet pretty well for a lifetime thing (which if you're going to go to 1200, you'll probably gain a few lbs back if you increase intake a lot). Maybe you could do once a week higher intake (like 1500-600) and the rest 1200-300 for regular. This would be healthy lifestyle if you exercise. Good luck!
    I'm not really an expert, just from my life.
  • I eat about 1400 for maintenance but that is without any physical activity.