Does myfitnesspal really work? Please help :-)



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Nope, not at all..we are all here to post fake progress pics and to log imaginary exercise and food diary's just to impress other imaginary people we have met.

    Just kidding I think its a great tool if used properly and honestly but remember it is just a tool, you are the one who has to develop good habits and to be honest about the good and the bad days.

    good luck!
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    It is a great way to loose if you use it. Be honest with your logs and you will see where you need to make improvements. Find a group or two to join with like minded people. You will need to be active as well so start looking for something you enjoy doing. Try different things till something clicks.

    I started running even tho I couldn't run a block when I began. Now I'm doing 5k runs and loving it. So good luck on your journey and welcome on board.
  • cuttingshadow
    cuttingshadow Posts: 36 Member
    Here's my experience:

    It works, but...

    It's not an exact science.
    Everyone's different.
    It's (probably) a lifestyle change, not a "diet."

    MFP's a great tool for helping you be mindful of what you're putting into your body, and it's not bad for tracking what you're burning off from exercise & activity. But... it should be more than just calories in vs. calories out ... and, even if that's what you're looking for, calories in and out are both estimates, your body's going to fluctuate and change day to day, week to week, month to month.

    So, don't expect perfection, and don't expect that you won't have weeks in a row of "WTF!? I was doing well, and now NOTHING!?" :)

    If you use MFP to track what you eat, including keeping an eye on your macros (carbs, protein, fat), estimate what you burn from activity & exercise (and make sure you're getting some exercise!), and have the patience to make adjustments over several weeks to get things tweaked & "dialed in" to work for you -- and then be willing to make those adjustments all over again from time to time -- then yeah, it works.

    And the other thing I'd add is that almost no one can "diet" all day, every day. You don't need to stop living your life, you don't really need to "never have another _____", just use MFP to keep things balanced, choose healthy food as your norm, and if you go out for Olive Garden's Tour of Italy every now & then, log it, factor it into your weekly totals, and keep living your life.

    Like I said, it's a life-style change, a marathon & not a sprint, blah blah blah. :)

    Excellent explanation !!!... after reading , I was searching for a 'like' button..
  • I wonder if it works for a person with food addiction such as binge eating. People who are in groups such as FA (A 12 step program for people who binge eat) Food Addicts in Recovery Annonomous). If you can follow the directions and put a LOT of effort into it, it will work. Is it easy? No. Is it something easy for real busy people, who are constantly craving flour and sugar products, not really in my opinion. But, if one can make up their mind to do it and the key is sticking to it, it will work. :smile:
  • Felipe20
    Felipe20 Posts: 5 Member
    Absolutely. I know some people say not to guesstimate your calorie intake but I do it occasionally on certain foods, but only to a reasonable extent. Sometimes you consume less than what you actually intake and keeps you motivated when you lose a pound unexpectedly, but just as long as you do not exceed your calorie intake for the day.

    I lost 20lbs in two (2) months eating nothing but JUNK and doing 60 minutes of cycling class (spinning) #INTENSE #NOJOKE! five days a week but I would not go over my daily calorie intake. It probably would have been a lot more beneficial for me eating healthier foods.

    Cycling burns anywhere from 700-1000 calories per hour depending on your level of intensity. Being on a 1500 calorie diet, cycling would allow me to consume more calories.

    If you are looking to burn tons of calories so you can eat more and not feel guilty about eating a cupcake or a slice of pizza, do SPINNING. Enough said ....



    "When you feel like quitting, remember why you started."
  • L
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    It is a tool nothing works unless you do
  • loriebahde
    loriebahde Posts: 30 Member
    it helps you become aware of the the calorie content of the food that you put into you body. it has helped me to educate myself about food, health, and exercise. the more i learn and do the more i want to do and learn. i now know that i need to exercise in different ways in order to get the results that i want. just getting up and exercising is not enough i have to make sure that i am feeding my body the right things and not to much. MFP has helped me to lose 20 lbs in 60 days and to learn more about my body and how it works. the community is amazing. seeing all the people that have lost weight and that are doing great. if you take the time to learn how this works then you will not regret this journey.
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    MFP doesn't work. You do.

    But yes, MFP is an awesome tool to help you get where you want to be and STAY THERE.

    ^^^ This!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm very new to this, never calorie counted in my life, I've always done weightwatchers which is pointed but just lately becoming quite bored of it and have read lot's of success stories on the net about people who calorie count.

    Does this really work?


    Just like weight watchers, it only works if you make it work. I like this more than WW"s because it free, caloreis are everywhere unlike points, its easy, it keeps a running log in your food database and I will say it again: its free. I did WW's for years and wish I knew about mfp. I one year in as of this Wednesday. It is working for me.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Well, the act of calorie counting itself does not make you lose weight. It does, however, help make you more aware of what you're consuming and how many calories you should be eating each day. For some, it helps a lot, others find it a nuisance. I personally find it quite beneficial and it definitely helps keep me accountable. Good luck :)

    Exactly this. Being aware of what you're eating is a huge step forward. WW Points are just a sneaky way to count calories anyway, so you were already doing that :)
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    mfp helps , you will do the work though :)
  • Tisiwa
    Tisiwa Posts: 46 Member
    YES, Well correction, that depends on you. Will you Log and will you be honest, about every morsel your eat, the GOOD the BAD, the UGLY, no matter what log it.

    Set a realistic goal. 1200 calories intake ( my opinion) is simply insane and not realistic. You must learn the slow and steady truly win this weigh race. BEST WISHES and I hope that helps.
  • I have to agree with you about being held accountable for what you eat. I have to be because I begin eating what I want and then I blow it...I can eat what I want but what I mean to say I eat too much of what I want then I have gone too far. At least it makes me stop and say, "If I eat all this then I have to write it down too"..
    It is a good thing.
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