Hi :)

Hi everyone :)

I'm new to myfitnesspal and I'm so excited to find an easy to navigate website for tracking calories and exercises. I've struggled with my weight for the last 15 years. At my highest weight, I was somewhere around 219-220ish pounds. I'm not quite sure the exact number because I found out the scale was sticking and making the numbers lower than it should be and I had already changed my eating habits and worked out for a week.

Since December 15th, I've managed to lose 11lbs. My goal is to lose 58 more pounds to reach my goal weight of 150lbs, which would put me right in the middle of my normal BMI range.

I'm looking forward to posting here in the forums and becoming a member of this community!


  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome and good luck! You're gonna love it here:)
  • Welcome I am new too!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    welcome to the site. feel free to friend me. you will love this site. the people are so encouraging and they are great. good luck.
  • KammyK
    KammyK Posts: 1
    I'm a newbie also. Need to get healthy again. Would love to lose 40 lbs so I can feel good and have a little more energy to play with the grandchildren.
  • bassetthree
    bassetthree Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome! Glad to see so many people on the same journey as me. WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • Indeed! We CAN do it! Positive motivation and thinking is key to success.