Does Your Spouse Support your Lifestyle Change into Weight L



  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    My wifey is excited to be able to see my belt buckle - again! She is very supportive - she is so awesome! I promised her and the kids that I would lose the weight and get back to a healthy and fit person - again.

    I weighed in at my all-time high of 278 lbs about 14 months ago and now I'm at 262. I have 42 more pounds tol ose!

    Cheers and good health to you all!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    My husband has weighted the same sinceI met him. He is 64 and looks 50 and drives me nuts about my weight loss. He is not the reason I am here. I just decided that I wanted to be healthy and not because he thinks every girl should look like Barbie. Who is Barbie? She is not even real! That is what I tell him. I wish our rolls were reversed for just one day so he could see it from our point of view!!
  • My husband has weighted the same sinceI met him. He is 64 and looks 50 and drives me nuts about my weight loss. He is not the reason I am here. I just decided that I wanted to be healthy and not because he thinks every girl should look like Barbie. Who is Barbie? She is not even real! That is what I tell him. I wish our rolls were reversed for just one day so he could see it from our point of view!!

    You should lose the weight, then lose him!

    My boyfriend and I are doing this together, we both have weight to lose and we both want to be healthier!
  • emkess
    emkess Posts: 57 Member
    My husband is trying to get fit as well. He does this every so often. Works out twice a day and eats salads. Sheds pounds like there is no tomorrow. Kind of jealous. I don't have the time to work out twice a day... nor do I want to. He is open to eating healthy meals. We are dong this for our daughter. She is starting to get a little pooch on her tummy so we want to set a good example. We are doing the Active Sports 9 week challenge together. If one of us is feeling unmotivated the other will push them into working out. It is a great motivator.
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Absolutely! My husband is amazing! He is always giving me compliments! Now I just got to get him on board too!
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    I have a wonderful husband! He is very supportive and, in fact, he goes out of his way to research meals, recipes and brands that are healthy and complies them to have a list of "good food for my honey" when we go to the grocery. I just absolutely adore him and his sweet little ways of motivating and supporting me. Althought when it gets very tough for me, he does say, "I will always love you no matter whar size or shape you're in..." Awwwww.
  • My husband is actually a great support. I was not the only one that gained weight while pregnant and we both have decided that one of the ways we are going to stick to eating healthy and being more active is to be helpful and be there for one another. If a partner does not support ones desire to be healthier and feel good than a discussion is in great need with that person.:flowerforyou:
  • houlee
    houlee Posts: 60
    My husband is the cook in the house because he is an AMAZING cook, and I have screwed up hard boiling an egg. He also has never had a problem with my weight (at it's highest or it's lowest... wait, that's a lie. He said I looked "like a bobblehead" when he saw me at my absolute lowest weight and asked me never to get that low again). Anywho, he likes to feed me because he says it makes me happy. But now that I am watching what I am eating, we have had some issues. At first, he was annoyed because I was hovering around him in the kitchen asking about everything he was putting into our food. We finally came to an agreement where he will try not to get his feelings hurt if I turn down food he made or eat a smaller portion of it, and I promised not to hover around him and question his cooking methods. He even started using a scale and keeping a notepad and a pen in the kitchen to jot down the weight of the ingredients of the food he prepares so I can enter into the "recipes" in the food diary. So he is amazingly supportive of my change in lifestyle.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Just curious to know if your spouse supports your decision into weight loss? Do they share the same problems as you or is weight no issue for him or her? What does he or she do that makes you feel good or bad when weight loss is concerned?

    My fiance is happy that I've made the decision to lose weight and he supports me by going to the gym with me when he can and eating healthy. He has maybe 10lbs to lose at most and he wants bulk up a bit. If I'm feeling down about my weight, he talks to me and helps me clear my mind. He is awesome and I'm so happy I have him as my partner. Plus he met me when I was at my heaviest and still fell in love with me!
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I have one of those really mean Other Halfs that can eat McDonalds EVERYDAY and still has a 6-pack :grumble:

    He supports me but always says as long as I don't loose my butt and my boobs..well sorry honey but my butt is shrinking :tongue:

    He's is 98% of the time encouraging and tells me how proud he is and will make comments like "Wow your butt has gotten smaller, your thighs don't look as big and Hey look now you only have a cute pot belly... :noway: :huh:

    but that other 2% of the time he says things that hurt and I don't think he means it.

    But I'm doing this for me and not for him, so when he says something that stings a little I use it has motivation to keep going :flowerforyou:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Yes and No.. My husband is a great guy and he wants to be supportive and wants me to be healthy and happy..BUT he has also been one of my biggest obstacles to loosing weight and getting healthy. he is supportive to a point.. if it costs him the food he loves that is when he becomes difficult to please. he is naturally thin and a junk food junkie and is forever bringing it into the house despite me pleading with him over and over to stop because I can't handle the temptation. He has never had a problem with weight so It's hard to for him to understand how hard it has been for me.
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