anyone here with arthritis?

Hello everyone. I have Cervical Spondylosis (Neck Arthritis) and I find that it inhibits me with the kind of exercises that I can do. I often find myself trying to exercise and while I'm doing it, it feels better but then I feel destroyed for the next couple of days. Was hoping to see if anyone here is on my same boat with this debilitating condition. How do you handle the pain and keep active? Any advice? Thank you!


  • PhillyPhatGirl
    PhillyPhatGirl Posts: 3 Member
    Just saw your post. I have osteoarthritis in my hip (and my lumbar and cervical areas, but I don't feel those--yet). Pain is a part of my life. A positive outlook on life helps most of the time (and having wonderful friends, co-workers and family), but sometimes the pain kicks into high gear and I can't walk or get comfortable and then, well, I cry. And then I say "F--- YOU, pain!" and go back into the therapy pool and exercise through it. It's important to be guided by an exercise/physical therapist. Don't do exercises that you *think* will be okay (but I think you know that). Have you tried acupuncture? It can help. But I know that all of this costs $$$$$ (I'm just watching my money fly out of my account sometimes with all the doctors and treatments I have). Friend me (PhillyPhatGirl) and we can help each other through the times when pain tries to take the upper hand.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Mine is not necessarily debilitating but I had a radial head resection on my right arm due to shattering my radius and dislocating my ulna and 5 years later have terrible arthritis in it! Not anywhere close to your problem!
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I just deal with it. Sucks though!