43.....Male......30lbs overweight.....bi-polar?


My name is Aaron. My subject heading describes me pretty much. I live in Sugar Hill, GA just outside north metro Atlanta. I have a wife and 2 adopted boys (brothers). I want to be the very best I can be for me, my wife, and the boys. I lack motivation and consistency in exercise and food choices (excessive portions + eating out).

I have downloaded this app to my iPhone 3 times but NEVER did anything with it past setting up an account. Here goes. I'd love a few friends/buddies to make a life change with! Anyone with me?


  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    Best of luck dude.

    Just start easy, you're stronger than you think. Best of luck.
  • thegumpster
    Hi Aaron,
    The fact that you've posted is indicative that you're now committed -- no turning back now.

    I'm in a similar situation. Approximately 30 lb overweight, in my mid-40s, father to 2 young boys and dealing with OCPD (with a side order of hoarding!).

    I needed tough love combined with a few "is this my life" mid-life crisis(es). I'm tired of wearing baggy out-dated clothes, feeling unwell and being "fat dad". Do you really want to die early, miss out on your children's lives and leave them behind? Once of the primary reasons for being on this earth is to ensure your children have a secure foundation to base their lives on, but when you're not here, how can you do that?

    You have to get off you a s s and be a man -- walk, bike, exercise, do anything but sit and watch TV in your off time. Set a good example for your boys. They worship you and don't you want to set a good example?
    Choose food correctly. That row of cookies or bag of chips (or .. insert personal preference here) show that you can't show restraint or good judgement. You're an adult, start living your life as one. Small individual poor food choices will ensure a lifetime of health issues.

    Everyday you have many many choices. Drive to get the milk or walk? 3 chocolate chip cookies or 1? A salad or a super sized McDonald's meal? Hug your kids or check your iPhone for messages? Watch another episode or go to bed early?

    It is up to you.
  • aaronstone71
    Thanks for the kind words Nojoke81! Stay in touch whenever you'd like. Much success to you as well.
  • aaronstone71
    Thanks for the motivational message thegumpster. I should do all the things you've hit on since I am a Health/PE grad and grew up in shape but something happened somewhere and I need to get "it" back. I agree with most all you stated. Best of luck to you and your endeavors!