Unable to loose weight whilst working out

Hi guys,
I am 29 years old 188cms tall and weigh 95 kgs.
I have wanted to go down to 85 kgs ( since last year when I weighed 90 kgs ) but I have noticed that every time I start exercising along with maintaining my calorie intake to around 1700 kcal I am gaining weight.
For example - I have just returned from holiday and this last week I have been cycling and using the cross trainer for 60 minutes, but when I weighed myself I had gained 800 grams. I admit it is a change in my workout as I have shifted from weights to cardio, but is this weight gain justifiable ???. Do I have to tweak my approach ??
Would really appreciate your advice.


  • tonyadingman
    tonyadingman Posts: 1 Member
    Don't get down on yourself and keep working. This just may be your bodies way of adjusting itself to your changing workout. May I suggest using both weights and cardio in your work out. If you are working out to lose weight make sure that you do your cardio first and then your weights. Hope this helps and god luck to you!
  • hanjo28
    hanjo28 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Tonyadingman :)
  • nancyzoman
    nancyzoman Posts: 7 Member
    I read once, if you burn just 300 calories a day, you'll lose 30 pounds (13.6 kg) in a year. In the short-term, you'll have muscle building, fluid retention and loss, and all kinds of metabolic changes that are going to cause weight fluctuations, but in the long-term, it'll go down. Give it a year of doing something active daily and you'll see.

    On the flip side, I used to work out daily, running 3 miles or swimming for 30 minutes, and I stopped in late 2012. I gained 30 pounds in a year and a half. The logic fundamentally works, though it works both ways :)
  • Wow. You are exactly like me! This happens literally every time I start working out and it always totally puts me off and makes me stop exercising... which is not good.

    Try to be strong and don't weigh yourself for a few weeks, especially when you're upping your amount of exercise. It was hard for me not to do this at first, but I found that weighing myself less often makes me focus on other changes (clothes fitting better, looking slimmer) and not stress about day-to-day fluctuations.

    I stopped myself from weighing myself for a whole month the first month of exercising and which helped me not focus on that initial rocky patch... I'm so glad I did because I'm still exercising now and going strong!
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    I'm in the same boat, but took consolation from this post:


    Keep at it and take measurements to keep track of your NSVs.
  • hanjo28
    hanjo28 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, that's what I have decided to do. I guess I become too pre-occupied with my weight that I loose focus and motivation,
    No more weighing for a month :)
  • shiningnightstar
    shiningnightstar Posts: 2 Member
    I have had the same problem but I am 57 and working out with strength training and 2 different cardio work outs a day plus swimming 30 mins. On a 2100 cal diet a day and I havent seen results in a few weeks but do feel tighter. Not giving up on it though cause its helping my body and makes me feel better and at my age I need that!