Food Focus

I am just getting started on this new journey and find that I'm constantly thinking about food. What I can eat, when I can eat, how much I can eat. I know I need to log and logging will need to be constant for me, but eventually will this all become more normal and not a constant thought/obsession?? Will I one day find that food isn't always on my mind?


  • tlicttbh
    tlicttbh Posts: 89
    I don't think about food all the time now. I think a lot about my hobbies. Do you have any hobbies? For example, I am thinking about a quilt I am making.
  • alyssa_6481
    alyssa_6481 Posts: 31 Member
    Try planning your food out ahead of time so you won't have so much of a reason to think about it. I log everything for the day in the morning and only go back and change things if I eat something else or decide I need to change what I am making for dinner (generally this is because I forgot to take meat out of the freezer or something like that).

    But yes, once you get more used to things it should calm down.

    For some people thinking about food all of the time makes them want to eat more, so try to distract yourself enough. (be careful on Pinterest!).

    Do think about how food makes you feel after you eat it. Take note of how your body responds to the healthier choices and how the unhealthier foods make you feel. I can often talk myself out of splurging based solely on how my craving will make me feel after I eat it.

    Hope that helps!